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summer school question?

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Taking orgo during the summer is a good strategy because it will reduce your course load during the school year proper without dragging down your GPA for those med schools that exclude summer courses, while still giving you the prerequisites checkbox for those schools that do require it. Where I come from orgo was notorious for dragging down your GPA not only for its unreasonably difficult exams (the percentage of students in the class who were taking it for the second time spoke volumes about the quality of the teaching) but by the enormous amount of time you sank into it just to pull a mediocre mark, which took away time from all your other courses. Better to isolate the beast and slay it in an arena where it can do no harm.

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I've heard from some of my friends that med school don't want to see its applicant with summer courses.


I'm pretty sure that this is not true. Some schools will factor in summer school grades into your weighted GPA and some will not.. However, I have never heard of a school saying they discriminate against people who have taken summer school courses.


I'd look at the individual schools you're interested in and see how summer school plays out for you. Like others said, it could be a nice way to lighten your work load. Since you usually only do one or two courses in the summer, you also have more time to focus on specific courses. With that in mind, it's also faster. There are pros and cons... whether to take summer school classes is an individual decision :P


Good luck :)!

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