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Interview Type

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Quick question. So from my understanding during panel interviews, it can go one of three ways a) the interview is good in the sense that you were able to answer the majority of questions asked, but the feeling was academic B) you answered questions but also had a nice convo about some of your interesting hobbies for instance because the interviewers had more questions to ask c) you found several questions very difficult to answers. In the case of a and b, do you feel that the reason it may go one way or the other is generally due to how the applicant presents him/herself or nature of the interviewer? Are students in the a section successful or are the majority of successful applicants the b types, they establish an excellent relationship during the 30 min to 1 hour?

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It depends on the type of interview (ex. which school Ottawa, Western, or U of T) the interviewers themselves, or whether or not they have looked at your app (like in the case of U of T).


I think regardless of a, b, or c you should always present yourself well and try to establish a relationship (though difficult for "cold" panels) either way.

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