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i can force myself to concentrate on studying but just can't sleep well at night cuz im so anxious to hear from them :o


supposedly they get back to us sometime on the week of April 11th based on the previous dates, which means we have to wait for another week at least!:P

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Yup- what do you guys think the average interview score will be this year for those accepted. The average score of those interviewed was 26, and in the past the avg score has been around 28 for those accepted.


Do you know how they calculate the interview score? Is the average score of 26 out of 30?

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Ahhh. That means this years average acceptance interview scores could go up to 29?

Does anyone know how they calculate graduate students GPA- is it just their undergrad GPA/do they get put into a separate pool of applicants?

I'm assuming they get some kind of bonus since so many of them get in (22 last year)

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Last year letters were sent out the 13th which was Tuesday, year before the 13th same thing, but was the Monday. Does that mean we should expect them today? or is there something specific u of t likes about the 13th??


It sucks because for all we know, they could be releasing it on the 29th :( ...

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