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Intro and concerns!

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Hey guys,


I've posted a bit before but seeing as I'm intending to apply this fall, I thought I'd try to break into the forum a little more and become a regular :P


I just have a couple of questions. First, when does the OMSAS application become available?


Second (and this is pretty specific to Queen's), what do people think are the chances of the writing cut-off staying at a Q next year? I think I should be pretty good for them otherwise, it's just that dang letter that's holding me back.


Thanks guys!

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Hey guys,


I've posted a bit before but seeing as I'm intending to apply this fall, I thought I'd try to break into the forum a little more and become a regular :P


I just have a couple of questions. First, when does the OMSAS application become available?


Second (and this is pretty specific to Queen's), what do people think are the chances of the writing cut-off staying at a Q next year? I think I should be pretty good for them otherwise, it's just that dang letter that's holding me back.


Thanks guys!


OMSAS opens I believe in mid-July. http://www.ouac.on.ca/omsas/omsas-dates/


It is up to the school; hopefully it will, but it may not. We have to check for announcements to see.

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Well, your OMSAS question has been answered (July).


As for the Queen's WS cutoff, who really knows. The one main reason that it may stay at a Q next cycle is that Queen's now looks at the ABS. That way they'll be able to cut people based on something other than GPA and MCAT, which allows them to lower the MCAT cutoff. I would apply to Queen's if you have a Q because it's only another $75 (which isn't much in the grand scheme of med school application) and there aren't any extra essays/questions to write/answer (no extra work).

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As for the Queen's WS cutoff, who really knows. The one main reason that it may stay at a Q next cycle is that Queen's now looks at the ABS. That way they'll be able to cut people based on something other than GPA and MCAT, which allows them to lower the MCAT cutoff. I would apply to Queen's if you have a Q because it's only another $75 (which isn't much in the grand scheme of med school application) and there aren't any extra essays/questions to write/answer (no extra work).


That's great news (I think)! I understand that cutoffs need to be made somewhere, but it seems so unfair and arbitrary to discount an otherwise good candidate based on one point on the Writing section, or any section on the MCAT.

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That's great news (I think)! I understand that cutoffs need to be made somewhere, but it seems so unfair and arbitrary to discount an otherwise good candidate based on one point on the Writing section, or any section on the MCAT.


It happens at Western for their VR section - the difference between an 11 and 10 in VR is just one question or two wrong... It's really based on luck of the draw and the moods of adcom. :(

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