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AP transcripts and English

Guest Sina

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Hey everyone. I've been browsing these forums occasionaly so ignore the fact that I just joined now :P


Anyways, I am currently in grade 12 and attending the UofA next year for bachelor of science (aka. premed). One of my questions is whether or not I will have to send my AP transcript when I'm applying for medical school four years down the line, regardless of whether I used any of its transfer credits. And if so, does it have the potential to hurt or help my chances? Like, if they see a "3" for biology AP (as an example), would that hurt my application in anyway? I'm curious because I've always been told that AP has no disadvantages but this could be a problem.


Secondly, the UofA has changed their English courses so that they are only in one semester (in contrast to before where it was A and B, spread out over two semesters). However, on the medical school admission requirements page it still says that one full year of English is "preferred". Does this mean I have to take two english courses or just the one?


I would really appreciate it if someone took the time to answer these questions :)



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Secondly, the UofA has changed their English courses so that they are only in one semester (in contrast to before where it was A and B, spread out over two semesters). However, on the medical school admission requirements page it still says that one full year of English is "preferred". Does this mean I have to take two english courses or just the one?


You'll have to take two English courses, or one English course and one Writing course. Combined, the two half-courses give you a full year of English.

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your AP classes will likely count for nothing, just acknowledging that the requirement is complete and hence not discarding your application. From what i have learned, they can not get an overall view of your intelligence and your ability to handle a full course load of university level courses from a highschool AP class, hope this helps

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It does - thank you both. When I learned that it was a requirement to send the AP transcript I panicked a little because that would have a big difference in my stress level when I'm doing the AP exams next month. But thinking more about it I really doubt that they would really matter as much.


Thanks :)

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It does - thank you both. When I learned that it was a requirement to send the AP transcript I panicked a little because that would have a big difference in my stress level when I'm doing the AP exams next month. But thinking more about it I really doubt that they would really matter as much.


Thanks :)


You have to send in your AP transcripts in order to prove that you have completed the required courses, if you are using those AP courses to fulfill that requirement.


So if you don't take, say, first year physics at university, because you received the credit for having taken AP physics, then your AP transcript will show that you fulfilled that requirement.

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wait, so its only if you're using the AP course to fill the requirement? I heard that you have to send the transcript even if you're not transferring any credits.

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Hello Sina,


Not sure if this helps, but in my situation, I was in the IB program instead of AP, and I sent in my IB transcript although I didn't use any of the courses to fulfill requirements. Last year my IB transcript was not delivered on time, and I was rejected pre-interview for that reason. Hope this helps! :)


Hey wicked that happened to me this year with AP!


High five for rejection based on bureaucracy rather than merit!


Sina: If you never tell them that you used AP, because your college credits cover all your AP courses, then I'm not sure there's ever any reason for them to even find out you did AP and know to ask for the transcript. Not 100% sure on that but it seems likely to me.

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Okay, thanks guys. I'm not planning to use AP credits for any university courses because all my teachers say that it's much better to just repeat the course. The only problem is that I have a feeling they know that I'm in AP because they've already sent me letters saying how great my choice was to take AP, etc, etc (they being the university, not medical school).


In any case, it's going to be 3-4 years before I apply to medical school so you never know what happens :P

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It is true, you need to send AP transcripts even if you're not using the credit. I found out somewhat shortly before the deadline that I needed to send my AP transcript even though I wasn't using it, and had a bit of an ordeal getting them sent since I didn't have my "AP number", their system didn't recognize name/address/whatever, and I couldn't get a hold of them during their office hours. Fortunately I finally did get them sent and they arrived just on time.


Main message: Keep your AP number if you're writing an AP exam, it makes sending the transcripts quicker/easier.


Sina: If you never tell them that you used AP, because your college credits cover all your AP courses, then I'm not sure there's ever any reason for them to even find out you did AP and know to ask for the transcript. Not 100% sure on that but it seems likely to me.


I supposed you might want to do this if you think it's worth the risk to save the $15 or so required to send the transcripts, which it probably isn't.


The only problem is that I have a feeling they know that I'm in AP because they've already sent me letters saying how great my choice was to take AP, etc, etc (they being the university, not medical school).


This shouldn't be an issue; if you didn't write the AP exam they won't ask for your (nonexistent) AP transcripts.

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This shouldn't be an issue; if you didn't write the AP exam they won't ask for your (nonexistent) AP transcripts.


I am writing the AP exams and I've already received an AP transcript from collegeboard for the English language and composition exam that I took last year. I just don't want the AP marks to count for anything when I'm applying for med; I want them to use whatever marks I get in university instead.


My original concern was if these AP exams can lower my chances of getting in for whatever reason. For example, if I get a 3.9/4.0 GPA in English university but a 4 on the AP exam, I don't want the AP mark to make me look bad :/


It's not that I'm expecting to do bad on the AP exams either but I was just told that they don't count for anything unless you want them to. This mandatory sending of transcript is kind of making me doubt that.




Edit: I've looked into this a bit and I believe I've figured out how it works. The UofA medical website says this:


Cumulative admissions academic average is comprised of all transferable post-secondary study done while registered as a full-time student (at least 18 units of course weight per academic year).


Furthermore, prerequisite GPA is now worth "0" according to their admission website as well. So I believe that AP still has a great advantage in that it can cover at least a portion of your prerequisite courses (for example, a half year of chemistry), leaving you free to take easier courses to boost your GPA. What's important about the sentence I bolded is that I think it shows that your actual AP marks are not used to calculate your GPA - which is what I was worried about. As long as you have a grade of 4 or 5 on the AP exam, you can consider the prerequisite (or a portion of it) done. So basically they ask for your transcript just to see if they can give you any prerequisite courses based on the AP exams that you have took.


I'm going to be at the university on Thursday for "registration workshops" so I'm going to ask this there to confirm it, but I think that's how it works.

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I am writing the AP exams and I've already received an AP transcript from collegeboard for the English language and composition exam that I took last year. I just don't want the AP marks to count for anything when I'm applying for med; I want them to use whatever marks I get in university instead.


My original concern was if these AP exams can lower my chances of getting in for whatever reason. For example, if I get a 3.9/4.0 GPA in English university but a 4 on the AP exam, I don't want the AP mark to make me look bad :/


It's not that I'm expecting to do bad on the AP exams either but I was just told that they don't count for anything unless you want them to. This mandatory sending of transcript is kind of making me doubt that.


Ah okay, I see. From what I understand your AP grade shouldn't make a difference. I've heard that UofA med admissions never sees your transcripts; all transcripts get sent to the UofA registrar, and then the registrar calculates your GPA, sends it to med admissions and confirms that you completed prereqs.


My AP scores weren't great (I knew I wouldn't mind taking the prereqs in uni) but the GPA they calculated for me was, so I highly doubt it made any difference to my GPA, which I expected since nowhere does it say that AP scores are used for anything other than completion of prereqs.


The only issue I think you might have is that you may not be allowed to take the introductory courses if you got AP credit. At my university, if you got, say, a 4 in AP english, they would not allow you to take any of the 100-level english courses.




Yes what you have there is basically what I wanted to say. AP grades are only used to determine if you completed prereqs, they have no bearing on your GPA.

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The only issue I think you might have is that you may not be allowed to take the introductory courses if you got AP credit. At my university, if you got, say, a 4 in AP english, they would not allow you to take any of the 100-level english courses.



Hi Sina:


At U of A, there is table on WEB relating a AP course crediting a first year course if AP marks are either 4 or 5. Mostly that credit is automatically applied if it is applicable. It is the applicant's responsibility to actively deny to recieve the credit. I think there is a form or something. Ask someone on the registeration 101 day.


If you deny all AP credits, they will have zero impact on your med school application but you still have to send the transcripts. Keep in mind that you may have put in your college board registration that U of A is one of your destination schools. In that case, your transcripts for every AP course automatically goes to the U of A at the first annoucement of AP exam results. However, the combined transcripts of all your AP exams are required for U of A general admission (before August 1 I believe) as well as for med school application down the road.


I believe you already have some idea if you are going to deny or recieve the credit for an AP exam. If you are still unsure, please read the following.



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I know that for IB the U of A required a trascript from the IB Organization even though I never used any of the courses for credits. I'm not sure how it works for AP, you can just call U of A and find out if they have the same policy as IB but in all likelyhood if you use it as credit, you'll have to send them. Good luck and congrats! :D

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