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I am really ill this semester and it's starting to seem like I'll be incapable of finishing my term work. I don't know what to do - if I take incompletes, I won't finish my term work until July and I won't be able to graduate until the fall, though I will have all my courses done by the end of the summer.


Does anyone know if that would jeopardize any acceptances I might get? I'm just completely incapacitated between my disability and getting my medication changed and the cognitive side effects. I really don't know how I'm going to make it.

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Depends on your school I would wager, but if you can cite extenuating circumstances due to a medical condition you can probably get the incomplete disregarded, provided this kind of thing hasn't happened a lot. That is my guess.

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Sorry to hear about your condition:( I believe the best approach would be to contact the schools individually to see if they would grant deferrals given your circumstance.


I also believe a few schools(e.g. UofA) don't require you to have your degree conferred by June so I think you should be fine for them, provided you have already got your pre-reqs finished.

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I also emailed my profs and it's possible that I can get until the end of April for my term work and still graduate on time.


Do you guys think if I email med schools and ask, they will red flag my file? I can't help that I'm sick, but I don't want to look like I'm going to wash out of medical school. I KNOW I can do it - I just need to get my meds sorted.

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Just spoke to my advisor and he suggested that I take incompletes but still get the term work in within the first two weeks of May, because then I can graduate on time.


I think that might be the best idea. I'm going to call medical schools tomorrow and make sure that it will not jeopardize things.

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If you have a doctor's note citing your condition, you should include it with any correspondence regarding extensions. I have used a doctor's note in the past, and it works wonders -> it is like a golden ticket...


PS: Sorry to hear about your condition, hope you get better soon

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