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Bucket List


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I thought it would be cool to have a premed/med student bucket list. i know i mad a thread earlier this week about keeping my career plans on a DL, but I feel that this forum is pretty anonymous.


my bucket list

-get into medical or dental school

-have a pet dog

-have a cool car like a mustang (hardtop)

-get a published

-still play baseball on a recreation league, while still being a doctor/dentist

-become a family doctor

-get married and have a wife that will support me in my decisions and will fight my battles with me.

-have a son who i can teach him how to play sports, and i can be that dad i always wanted to have

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Dude that is sooooo similar to my goals :eek:

I already was lucky enough to knock one of those out and I don't really feel the need to get published or play baseball.

Other then that it's identical. Always wanted a german shepard and a mustang!

Some day...

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my goals

- get into/graduate from med school

- get a photo of myself on my university webpage (strange goal... I don't know why)

- go sky diving

- climb Ayers Rock in Australia

- have a pet

- always enjoy my work and love what I do

- get married (on a hot air balloon?)

- have twins

- publish a book

- travel

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Things I've done:


- married a wonderful man who is an incredible husband

- ran a marathon (I've run a bunch now)

- go skydiving (I did a tandem dive, and it was an amazing experience)

- take part in a triathlon

- visit Egypt: see the pyramids, see King Tut's gold, visit the Valley of the Kings, see Hatshepshut's temple

- visit Rome: see the Colosseum

- see the Lippizan horses perform at the Spanish Riding School in Vienna


Still on my list:


- become a doctor

- get published

- run/walk an ultra (ie. a race longer than a marathon)

- take part in a multi-day relay run

- visit Pompeii (I've been to Herculaneum, but not Pompeii)

- visit Australia and New Zealand

- become a trainer/presenter for a fitness certification organization

- visit Banff and Jasper National Parks

- run a race in each of the 10 provinces (and three territories if possible)

- run one of the "Rock and Roll" marathons

- own a Porsche (dreaming) or a Mustang (more realistic)

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It's funny, for being such a goal-oriented person, I can't really think of anything that I feel strongly about having yet to accomplish in this lifetime. There are "nice-to-haves" (eg travel, pets), but I think I could pass on happily any time as long as I am at peace with the kind of human being I am...

(Or maybe I just can't think of anything more profound than trying different types of food :P)

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- get a photo of myself on my university webpage (strange goal... I don't know why)


<3 DM

My bucket list is way too long to post on here. I have a notebook at home that has about 10 pages of things to do before I die. I've had it since I was 16, and fortunately the list keeps getting smaller and smaller. Some things I think are really silly (I made this up in high school lol) that I'll post below are:


- go to tribes in atlantic. find medicines, bring them back

- go on the Oprah Winfrey show to talk about the real issues

- eat ontop of a mountain

- publish an article in national geographic about medicine before I graduate (Nope lol)

- have tea at least (yes I underlined it, I was serious) once with Dalai Lama

- meet Michael Jackson and learn to properly moonwalk. Seriously, how do I not know this by now

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-get married and have kids (in my ideal world 2 twin boys :P)

-travel to every continent at least once

-make sure that family remains important (I have really close ties with my little sis right now)

-knit something other than a scarf... lol

-learn to make souffle

-live in France for a year and hopefully become bilingual

-learn a bit of Dutch and Latvian (where my grandparents are from)

-make beer

-teach someone (I know this is kind of rando... but really anything. I guess I hope that one day I can be a mentor for someone)



umm.. those are just off the top of my head, I'm sure there's plenty more

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I love this thread!!

like everybody else i want to be an amazing parent, doctor, researcher etc..

so i'm just gonna list the personal things i wanna do


personal bucket list:


-live at least a year on every continent (2/7 so far)

-backpack through europe doing random work for money (hopefully this summer, anyone care to join me??)

-learn to play the cello

-discover and name a star (this one might be hard)

-search for new species of plants and animals in the amazon

-have a (very very) minor role in a broadway production

-learn a martial art

-learn to program better (C++, java, html etc..)

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Work 4 days per week

Marry an Ukrainian supermodel

Own an apartment in downtown Auckland, New Zealand

Open up a business worth 999 million US dollars.

Then donating 60% of my company to charity after my retirement

Experience the singularity

Experience experimental validation of expanded Heim theory



I dream

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- get into med school, graduate

- be part of a lab with good reputation/research productivity

- publish regularly

- stay in shape

- buy every single video game console out there, including antique ones

- commit my time to beating RPGs that I never had the time for

- drive an environmentally friendly car to work

- possibly get married....though it's not a priorty

- own a golden retriever or Shiba Inu

- teach in an academic environment

- travel around the world if I have the time

- get my black belt

- give a TED talk and hopefully inspire youth

- be remembered for my contributions to a field of research

- go to Japan and splurge on anime goods.

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-Learn spanish (and teach my future children spanish)

-Become fantastic at photography

-learn to play the saxophone

-own a laser (sailboat)

-become an OBGYN

-Live in another country for a year while practicing medicine

-become flexible enough to NOT suck in my yoga classes ;)

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-have a baby

-visit my friends in Japan more

-help rebuild Natori somehow

-get into med school

-buy/build a nice small house in calgary or nanaimo

-learn chinese, spanish and dutch

-open a hobby restaurant with my wife

-go to India

-go to Thailand

-go somewhere in Africa

-go to Australia

-go to England

-grow a good vegetable garden

-cook and eat more delicious food

-have a wine cellar

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- run a marathon with a good time before I am 30

- do a half-ironaman triathlon before I am 40

- have kids and stay in shape afterwards


- build a house of our dreams with my hubby with:

a giant home library (already getting there)

a wine cellar

-an amazing kitchen


- try all of Julia Child's recipes

- eat at one of Gordon Ramsay restaurants to see if its any good


- learn to play piano

- visit Ireland and New Zealand


- memorize all Seinfeld episodes, like my dad did:)

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-get into med school


-run a marathon

-run an ultra

-bike a century

-month long Canadian bike trip!


-have a marriage like my parents have

-knit more socks

-overcome my fear of heights and climb a notable mountain with my father

-learn to take nature photographs


Interestingly, I can check off a fair bit of other people's lists!

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