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describe premed gunners u encountered

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Okay this lady is quite the character, maybe she will even be on this forum! To start it off she is a older lady about 30 years old and she is in my 1st year biology and chemistry labs.


In my biology class she goes off on out of the field remarks. This one time my TA was wearing some gloves cause she was doing a dissection and this premed lady says that the TA reminds her of some time where she was at Tim Hortans and the lady didn't put gloves on after accepting her cash then making her sandwich, which then she goes on saying of she never orders sandwiches from there anymore (she said this in front of the class). I then just turn to one of my friends and we have a polite laugh.


And another time we made some slides of worm sperm, something like that and we wrote labels on the slides to try and identify it. So the following week we go to class and the labels were so faint everyone just took any available slide. So I take a slide and then i put it in my microscope and then BAM this premed lady takes my slide out from my microscope and says it is hers....(she can't talk to me first, what a *****) Then in the halls she calls me slide thief which then i proceed to ignore her.

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Sounds frustrating...but how do you know if she's a gunner?


She just sounds crazy to me.


i am not sure if she is a gunner, but she is defiantly not someone i want to be associated with. I know she wants to go to med school for sure, since she pretty much announced on the first day of chem tutorials.

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Lol, I had a girl in my Calc class who always bragged about being in neuroscience, she used to shout out answers before the prof was done writing the question. At the end of the term he would have to tell her to shut it prior to asking a question and whenever she put her hand up he had to ask whether it was a question or an answer. She was a champ.

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There was this one girl first year... she was in my psych class. She would record every lecture and make notes, etc. She missed one lecture and asked to borrow my notes. Naturally, I agreed.


Three weeks later, I had to miss a class because of a dentist's appointment. I asked her if I could listen to her recording or AT LEAST borrow her notes... she said: "No, you're going to be my competition for medical school, I'd be jeopardizing my future by helping you"... -_-" wtf.

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Lol, I had a girl in my Calc class who always bragged about being in neuroscience, she used to shout out answers before the prof was done writing the question. At the end of the term he would have to tell her to shut it prior to asking a question and whenever she put her hand up he had to ask whether it was a question or an answer. She was a champ.


I think people like that have some sort of social awareness disorder. Or maybe they're just not culturally sensitive enough. Who knows.


I do know, that people in my program who consistently need to ask simple questions to count as "participation" or to show "that they are interested". The material was already discussed in the lecture, and if you had half a brain (which I know you do) you would be able to discern the answer. Why then, do you have ask? Mind you, these are the people who usually gets As.


But yes, people like that are everywhere. And surprisingly, they are also in med school...so learn to deal with them now. It'll help with the blood pressure.

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Fortunately, dealing with such behaviour is rather easy.. just sit back and watch the consequences catch up to them. I do wonder if some of these people have been told that they need to speak up more and show more interest, though this would primarily be an issue in clerkship for the more quiet types. I know someone posted about this recently - it is tricky to address, and I'm not sure that I ever found a solution other than adjusting one's nonverbal communication.

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I think people like that have some sort of social awareness disorder. Or maybe they're just not culturally sensitive enough. Who knows.


I do know, that people in my program who consistently need to ask simple questions to count as "participation" or to show "that they are interested". The material was already discussed in the lecture, and if you had half a brain (which I know you do) you would be able to discern the answer. Why then, do you have ask? Mind you, these are the people who usually gets As.


But yes, people like that are everywhere. And surprisingly, they are also in med school...so learn to deal with them now. It'll help with the blood pressure.


I don't mind the simple questions as much since the prof goes and recaps a concept or explain it again. Whats really annoying is when they ask a convoluted question that is clearly not related to the objective of the class such that the prof doesn't even know the answer. After the prof responds with, "thats an interesting question...", the asker partially answer's his/her own question based on what wikipedia says.

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Heh, we have "that guy" in our year.. Not really a gunner in the sense of your story (that woman sounds like she has some issues to be honest), but everyone in the program knows who he is and if you are in his class you will find out pretty soon.. He likes to have arguments with profs on all of their material.. Some of them even like to indulge this guy and it ends up being like a 5 minute talk between the prof and him. I am happy when they shut him down.

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Heh, we have "that guy" in our year.. Not really a gunner in the sense of your story (that woman sounds like she has some issues to be honest), but everyone in the program knows who he is and if you are in his class you will find out pretty soon.. He likes to have arguments with profs on all of their material.. Some of them even like to indulge this guy and it ends up being like a 5 minute talk between the prof and him. I am happy when they shut him down.
I had one of those types of people in my classes. It was especially funny when everyone knew the prof was asking a rhetorical question and yet the person had to try to answer it anyway.
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There was this one girl first year... she was in my psych class. She would record every lecture and make notes, etc. She missed one lecture and asked to borrow my notes. Naturally, I agreed.


Three weeks later, I had to miss a class because of a dentist's appointment. I asked her if I could listen to her recording or AT LEAST borrow her notes... she said: "No, you're going to be my competition for medical school, I'd be jeopardizing my future by helping you"... -_-" wtf.


OMG u MUST be kiidding :eek:

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haha what?! aren't you a Yorkie? they tend to be pretty good with note sharing...I don't think I've ever had anyone say no- and sometimes people will send you their notes for the whole term when you just ask for a lecture!


I guess I've been lucky enough to have never encountered a pre-med gunner. just really strange/obnoxious people.


UTSG first year... :)

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There is this really annoying girl in one of classes this term who loves to ask a million questions....what is annoying is that she never raises her hand but yells out her unrelated questions (those that have nothing to do with the class objectives or if the prof says that studies have been done to prove X.....her question would be like how did they test that, what were the methods etc etc etc.....its like she wants to know all of the details about the study). She also sits in the front row and people in the back can't hear her at all and last week, the prof had 62 slides to cover in a 3 hour lecture....he got through like 23 or so since most of the time was spent on answering her questions and for those of us sitting in the middle or the back, it felt like the entire class was just a conversation between her and the prof....and she continued to do that despite of the prof telling her several times that "we are running out of time, maybe you could come and talk to me after". What sucks is that we are still responsible for all the other slides and now I have to go through it all myself for the exam :mad:


And yeah, she is a gunner.....she goes around advertising to everyone that she wants to be a doctor.......and I was talking to her the other day (I am not friends with her but just know her casually I suppose)....and she asked me what courses I was taking.....I mentioned physiology and there she started the whole thing about how physiology is an bird/easy course and only dumb people take that kind of stuff....but since she herself is so superior, she only takes courses like molecular biology, analytical chemistry etc etc......agggghhhh


We just had our last class yesterday and she was not there......everyone was so glad (including the prof....who actually made a comment on that at the end saying that he was able to finish all of the slides for this lecture because he didn't have "that girl" asking him endless questions).

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