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Is McMaster Your Top Choice?

Is Mac your top choice?  

6 members have voted

  1. 1. Is Mac your top choice?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Unsure (depends on acceptances)

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Let's watch next week and see what happens. IMO both Chicago and Boston get eliminated in the second round.


I am a Habs fan and this series is excruciating! Last night's double OT definitely took my mind off May 5th!

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I am a Habs fan and this series is excruciating! Last night's double OT definitely took my mind off May 5th!


I don't watch a lot of hockey but I definitely know where you're coming from.


They were talking about basketball, lol. :P




Same concept though. Playoffs = MAJOR distraction

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The Heat are a contender for sure, but I feel the Bulls and Celts both matchup well against them. The only problem for the latter two is staying healthy.


I'm more interested in the West...a bit more unpredictable. I'd put my money on OKC or LA (but I'm a huge Lakers fan so there's a bias here).

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Am really surprised at the % of people stating Mac is not their first choice. Potentially a lot of waitlist movement this year it seems.


Nope. These are typical numbers. There will probably be very little waitlist movement this year because of the amount of people who only interviewed at Mac.

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Nope. These are typical numbers. There will probably be very little waitlist movement this year because of the amount of people who only interviewed at Mac.


From these poll numbers it appears that a large number of people that interviewed at mac interviewed at other school(s). Assuming people voted based on where they interviewed, the 50 "no" and 24 "unsure, depends on acceptances" had interviews elsewhere. Let's say half of the 24 who voted "yes" only had an interview at mac, that means that 87% of the people who interviewed at mac had interviews elsewhere. Of course this is probably skewed because I'm sure many people who didn't interview at mac voted (either "yes" or "no", but I'd guess more "no") and also the possible premed101 bias has to be taken into account.

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Am really surprised at the % of people stating Mac is not their first choice. Potentially a lot of waitlist movement this year it seems.
Can't really judge the waitlist from this poll. Some of the people who voted no might only get an acceptance to Mac (which I doubt they'll decline) so the waitlist wouldn't move due to the amount of "no"s.
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Here is some info I posted earlier.




So I just found some awesome data on McMaster. Apparently, they exhausted their waitlists twice in the past decade (2000, 2005) meaning that they had to accept applicants they had rejected post-interview. The numbers below show the number of applicants they accepted/ the number of applicants that declined their offer (http://www.afmc.ca/pdf/2008_admissions_book.pdf). You can find the older numbers if you look for an older admissions booklet. The exhausted waitlist information can be found here: http://premed101.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2706&page=9&highlight=Interview.


2000 - 96/40

2001 - 111/22*** Exhausted Watilist

2002 - 128/48

2003 - 138/39

2004 - 137/54

2005 - 138/55*** Exhausted Waitlist

2006 - 149/93

2007 - 146/75 -- Should be 164

2008 - 138/58 (546 Interviewed - 35.90% got an offer) -- It is 183

2009 - 181/79 (546 Interviewed - 47.62% got an offer)


I'm not sure about the bolded numbers because the McMaster website has different numbers. For the entering class of 2008, it says they accepted 183 people (someone probably just screwed up the 3 and the 8), and for 2009 they accepted 194 people. The 2001 numbers looks shady as well because how can you possibly have a waitlist that comprises of 22 people after having one that had 40 people. Not sure! And those aren't necessarily waitlist numbers as they over-accept initially. The 22 number is shocking as someone claimed that they exhausted their waitlist that year (it was probably 2000 and not 2001).


There are no 2010 numbers available. All it says is they interviewed 526 people for 204 spots. I'm just trying to gauge how many applicants comprise the waitlist. Looking at the numbers from 2006 it appears that the waitlist can vary from 75 people to a 100 people. I'm discounting the 2008 values because they contradict the McMaster ones by a LOT. But you need to take into account how much they over-accept by. If they over-accept by 10% or so then the waitlist must have at least 50 people on it (let's say 53 for argument's sake). This means that your chances of being accepted on May 5th and off the waitlist are (203+20+53/552) 50%. If you don't discount the 2008 data, then it is possible there could be a minimum of 35-40 people on the waitlist and that would decrease your chances to 47.28% (I used the number 38). Either way, roughly half of the interviewees will end up being accepted.


And since the interview accounts for 75% of an applicant's score, it's fair to assume that the vast majority of those whose interview performance was deemed to be in the top 50% will either be accepted or waitlisted. I say vast majority because your pre-interview score still plays a role.




EDIT: I think it's important to keep in mind that Grade 13 was removed in 2003. So the double cohort graduated from university in 2007 and some got into Med that year. Those that didn't, reapplied the following year or did a Master's. My question is should that affect the data for 2007, 2008, and 2009. There is a trend visible in these years. As the number of seats for Medical School increased, there should have been incremental increases in those who reject their offers as well. In 2007, 2008, and 2009, those numbers went down or didn't rise enough in comparison to the number accepted that year. Why? Is it coincidental or does it have something to do with the double cohort? Maybe the applicants preferred a shorter program at that point in their lives. How do you expect that trend to change this year? Does anyone have any relevant numbers for the entering class of 2010 with regards to those who rejected their offer?




Here is the Mac GPA from that website: The mean grade point average of successful applicants in 2004/2005 was 3.76. And 55 people rejected their offers and that was the year they exhausted their waitlist. Just found out that in 2006 the GPA was 3.80 and in 2007 the GPA was 3.83 (http://tlifesci.com/forums/showthread.php?11-McMaster-Medical-School-General-Statistics).


EDIT: It goes both ways! People with low GPAs have low pre-interview scores as well making it less likely that they get in. One should take that into account as well.


Also, if you have time, look at the Queen's data. It is absolutely ridiculous. From 2003 to 2007, 111, 71, 79, 99, and 72 people declined their offers. Their class only has 100 people! You can't really predict this kind of stuff.


LOL. After 2007, Queen's stopped providing that data.

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Here is the Mac GPA from that website: The mean grade point average of successful applicants in 2004/2005 was 3.76. And 55 people rejected their offers and that was the year they exhausted their waitlist. Just found out that in 2006 the GPA was 3.80 and in 2007 the GPA was 3.83 (http://tlifesci.com/forums/showthread.php?11-McMaster-Medical-School-General-Statistics).


The data isn't accurate for 2005. McMaster didn't exhaust their waitlist that year. They even had a "secondary" waitlist if I recall correctly.

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  • 4 weeks later...
I know you got into Mac and Congratulations but I had to bring this up!!!


I was hoping you didn't remember...I knew the Heat's potential, I just hate that team (too stacked).


Dallas 2011 Champs!


Oh and thanks...your marks were similar to mine. I bet you'll be hearing from them soon.

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