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UWO courses

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Hey guys

I recently got accepted to UWO for the specialization in biology program (Bsc) to finish my undergrad and I just wanted to ask how the evaluations were at UWO. I don't know if I'm supposed to be asking this, but are the tests generally fair for biology(ie.what is taught in class shows up on the tests)? What about for chemistry and physics? Are they solely based on what was taught in class, or are there a lot of tricks and challenges on the tests? The reason why I'm asking this is because I want to do some research into switching to Western from U of T and I want to make sure that I'm making the best decision possible for myself. This is one of the ways this can happen. This is one of the ways I get information.

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Generally, if you study hard for exams you will do well. However, in some cases I've had brutal finals just to get the average down.


If you have specific questions about Western feel free to pm me. I'm in my finals years in a science program.

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