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How many times??


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Hey guys,


I was just wondering: How many times should we write the MCAT? I've heard in the past that med schools "frown upon" an applicant who has written it more than 2 times. Does it really matter though?


Also, how many times should we apply to med school before being accepted? Once again, I've heard that if you apply more than twice without getting in, med schools take that as an indication that you are "just not doctor material."


I have no idea how true these allegations are. Hopefully, someone on this forum does.

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L&F, you can write the MCAT as many times as you want. US schools may have different rules, but generally here in Canada we look at most recent MCAT scores. I believe you can also apply as many times as you want, though some people stop after five times...at Ottawa, they have a rule that if you have interviewed more than five times, you are rendered ineligible (though it's VERY unlikely that you won't be accepted after interviewing that many times). For more information, please use the search function appropriately before posting.

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Your first question can be best answered by using the search function:



And for your second question, about how many times to apply before being accepted, just keep applying until you either get accepted. It's a personal question and as long as your interest in medicine stays you shouldn't give up easily. There are many who have gotten into med school after applying more than once, they just kept their heads up. Here's a poll I started to see how many times current med students applied before getting accepted (although this may not be entirely representative of the general applicant pool, it may give you some sort of an idea of what to expect. Note that some people, if they are being honest, applied several times and didn't give up):




Good luck, and try to use the search function before asking a question that may have already been answered recently. It is definitely handy.

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Thank you for the quick responses! Sorry, I'm still getting used to the forum. I'll use the search function from now on! :o


No problemo L&F! :D It just helps so much with really common questions that we all have asked at one point or another.

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