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Interview Chances

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Hey, I was just wondering what my chances are of getting an interview at a US medical school assuming I apply as early as possible.


First Year GPA: 2.7

Second Year GPA: 4.0

Third Year GPA: 4.0

Cumulative: 3.56


MCAT: B: 11 P: 11 VR: 10 W: Q


I should also note that although I'm a Canadian resident I do possess U.S. citizenship. Not sure if that makes much of a difference.

In terms of extracurriculars, I have alot of work expierence as well some local and international volunteering expierence. By the end of the summer

I will also have research expierience.


I'm also planning on rewritting the MCATs in mid-july but, if I do that then my application essentially gets moved back to mid-august.

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The 3.56 is a bit low. However, you might get a small increase in GPA when calculated under the AMCAS scale.


You have a balanced 32Q, and it's my opinion that you don't need to rewrite, at least not for the lower tier US schools that would be fine with a 3.56.


US citizenship is actually a great advantage, especially when applying to lower-tier schools; if I remember correctly, there are a number of schools with lower admission cutoffs that only consider US citizens.


My advice would be to apply very early and very broadly to lower-tier schools, as well as to a few mid-tier schools as well. Avoid the MCAT rewrite unless you plan on applying to Canadian schools.

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I got into a US school with a 3.6/30, Canadian only


So I think your chances are definitely better than mine. Since you are dual citizen, you are eligible to apply to some schools that no longer accepting Canadians (Wake Forest, Albany, EVMS, UVM). The average matriculate GPA/MCAT for these schools are at or below your stats, so I say you have a good shot at those schools. Also, give Wayne, GWU, Georgetown and other low tiers a try, with your stats I think you are a lock for interviews. Dont forget to put a few reaches like BU, Case Western, Duke etc just for good measure.

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Okay, thanks alot for the advice. The reason for retaking the MCAT is I'm very confident I can increae my overall score to about a 34-36Q. Would that make a considerable difference at some of the mid-tier schools? Also if I apply early and then rewrite, I know some schools don't even look at the application untill the second MCAT scores are released but, will some schools reject me based on my original MCAT scores and GPA before the second score a released?

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Okay thank you,

For the MD averaging retakes, I'm assuming they are average after conversion to GPA. Also, If the course no longer exists because it is replaced with a new one, do the medical schools consider that to be a retake?


If so my first year GPA would increase from 2.7 to 2.9, raising my cumulative GPA to 3.63. Do you think that would be a significant increase if paired with a 34-36Q MCAT score?

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not sure on the retake issue, email amcas and ask... but in both cases (average two courses, or enter the new course as a mark equivalent to a full course) your GPA should go up, either way, with a 3.5-3.6 and a 34-36 MCAT you should get in somewhere in the us

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Would a 3.63GPA and 36Q MCAT score be good enough for some of the mid tier schools. My GPA would be below average for most of them but my MCAT would be above average. Would they balance out somehow or is the MCAT/GPA weighted more?

I'm making the assumption that the majority of applicants who get into U.S. schools with a GPA below the median make up for it with a high MCAT and vice-versa.

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