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I am currently interested in reading something other than classics... any suggestions? I am open to any style (fiction and non-ficiton) and was actually thinking of trying a scifi - but I have no idea what out there is any good.



Any favourite reads? Anyone has suggestions on scifi authors/books? Thanks guys!


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You can't go wrong with Asimov for sci-fi. His stuff is classic. His Foundation series and/or his Robot series (beginning with I, Robot) are great places to start.


I also really enjoy L.E. Modesitt, Jr. Both his sci-fi and his fantasy stuff is great. I really enjoy his "Recluse" series (fantasy). His "Ecologic" books are enjoyable sci-fi.


Anne McCaffrey is another author who does both sci-fi and fantasy.


For non-fiction, right now I'm reading: http://www.amazon.com/Ancient-Rome-Rise-Fall-Empire/dp/1846072840

There's a BBC series on Ancient Rome that goes along with it that I really enjoyed.


For other non-fiction, after seeing Jared Diamond speak last year, I re-read his books "Collapse" and "Guns, Germs and Steel" - very enjoyable if you haven't read them.

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I'm not sure about sci-fi, but I know of some awesome other books (depending on if what you like and if you're a guy/girl of course).


I really love the (Canadian) author Pauline Gedge. She writes fiction (and historical fiction) about ancient Egypt- awesome story, character development, everything really. Really good reads. Highly recommend her.


I also loved Wicked and Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister (by... Um... His first name escapes me (all that's going through my head is "Jerry" and I KNOW that's not right) but his last name is Maguire).


If you like the 1980s movie (like I do), you'll love The Princess Bride by William Goldman.


Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom is a great non-fiction book (so are other books by him). So is Jean Dominique Beabay's Diving Bell and the Butterfly (bonus points if you read it in french-Le Scaphandre et le papillon ('scuse my spelling)).


There's a Michael J Fox book that's good. I can't remember the name of it off hand, but I think it's something like "Life lessons on the road to the future" or something like that.


If you're into Fantasy books, Deborah Chester is a great author (imo), but if you're going to Chapters/Indigo her books are often hard to find.


The Mists of Avalon is a pretty good book (there is some explicit material in there though...). It's by Marion Zimmer-Bradley. It's a pretty big book though and some parts do drag on a little.


LOTR is a good series (if you can get through the first 50 pages or so of The Fellowship of the Ring. It definitely picks up after that). But I'm not sure if you consider that a classic or not.


If you're a girl, and you want a laugh-your-ass-off book/series that is a super fast read and not literary genius, the series Confessions of Georgia Nicholson is bloody hilarious. (First book is called "Angus, Thongs, and Full Frontal Snogging" and the 3rd one is "Knocked out by my nunga-nungas" to give you a clue of it's hilariousity-ness). They're written by Loiuse Rennison and they're found in the Teen Series section (I got into them back in high school).


One book I would not recommend is Twilight. Dear god, it's terrible. I don't understand what all the hype is about. My brain hurt from all the grammar problems in it. If you want a great synopsis of it, I can find it for you (I think it's maybe cracked.com). You'll get the gist of it there and it'll make you stop and wonder why parents let their 10 year olds read it.....



Anyways, if you want any more ideas, just send me a PM. I love reading and there's a ton of great books out there :)

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Not Sci-fi more fantasy. Amazing nonetheless.


The series 'A song of ice and fire' by George R.R. Martin.

First book in this septology (4 books out so far, 5th one coming out in the summer) is 'A Game of Thrones' which also is coming out as a mini series on HBO on April 17th.


I also recommend this series. Best current fantasy series :)

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Are you worried about him not being able to finish off the 6th 7th book because at any moment he may drop dead from a massive myocardial infarction?

He looks 60+ and may possible be morbidly obese.


Yeah that has definitely crossed my mind - let's just say he's not the most robust looking individual lol. If he keeps up at his current writing pace (6ish years between the last one and ADWD?) unfortunately I don't think this series is getting finished. Hopefully the TV series will be a hit and HBO will adapt the rest of the books, maybe lighting a bit of a fire under his butt to finish the series :)


Also your comment couldn't help but remind me of Wheel of Time. You a fan of that as well?

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I always recommend these two in book threads, so I'm sorry if you've already heard of them, but I loved Atul Gawande's Complications: A Surgeon's Notes on an Imperfect Science and Better: A Surgeon's Notes on Performance. Honestly, I could not put these ones down! They are fast paced, thought provoking, and sometimes shocking in their honesty.



The Wisdom of Whores: Bureaucrats, Brothels and the Business of AIDS by Elizabeth Pisani is also very interesting if you are looking for an out of Africa focus on the virus, and was A Globe and Mail "Best Book".


Here are the links to amazon if you want to take a look:




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I'm surprise no one has mentioned Orson Scott Card yet... Ender's Game was great, as was the rest of the series. It also has a good message.


My fantasy recommendation is Garth Nix's Abhorsen/Old Kingdom series - Sabriel, Lireal and Abhorsen. I read these when I was in high school - the mythology is quite well developed and I really liked his style. Eagerly anticipating the release of the next book in the series! :D

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Not Sci-fi more fantasy. Amazing nonetheless.


The series 'A song of ice and fire' by George R.R. Martin.

First book in this septology (4 books out so far, 5th one coming out in the summer) is 'A Game of Thrones' which also is coming out as a mini series on HBO on April 17th.




Are you worried about him not being able to finish off the 6th 7th book because at any moment he may drop dead from a massive myocardial infarction?

He looks 60+ and may possible be morbidly obese.


Yes. I've also currently lost all interest because of the huge gap between books and have to read them all again before buying Dance with Dragons.

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I always recommend these two in book threads, so I'm sorry if you've already heard of them, but I loved Atul Gawande's Complications: A Surgeon's Notes on an Imperfect Science and Better: A Surgeon's Notes on Performance. Honestly, I could not put these ones down! They are fast paced, thought provoking, and sometimes shocking in their honesty.


The Wisdom of Whores: Bureaucrats, Brothels and the Business of AIDS by Elizabeth Pisani is also very interesting if you are looking for an out of Africa focus on the virus, and was A Globe and Mail "Best Book".


Here are the links to amazon if you want to take a look:






I second this recommendation. Keeping with the theme, I'll add "Intern: A Doctor's Initiation" by Sandeepp Jauhar, and "The Night Shift" by Dr. Brian Goldman (haven't finished this one but I'm enjoying it).


Some other personal favorites of mine, "Musicophilia: Tales of Music and the Brain" by Oliver Sacks and "The Greatest Show on Earth: Evidence for Evolution" by Richard Dawkins.


Oh! and "Middlesex" by Jeffrey Eugenides

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For the sake of devil's advocacy, I could never really get into A Song of Ice and Fire.


Poul Anderson's Boat of a Million Years was really solid sci-fi. Nice, standalone book.


If you haven't read the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy you should, immediately. Also excellent is the Discworld series by Terry Pratchett, which can be entered at almost any point without any familiarity with the series... but Going Postal, Mort, Guards Guards, and Wyrd Sisters are all good starting books.


As for non sci-fi, "Room" by Emma Donoghue is a really excellent recent book. It sounds like it would be heavier content than it is but it's oddly uplifting.

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Seriously though try Starship Troopers, not anything like the crappy movie, revolutionary book and on many required reading lists for big business and military outfits.


Seconded, it's a good book. A lot of philosophical proselytising by Heinlein, but it makes for interesting reading.


On the 'interesting military stuff' end, the Deed of Paksenarrion by Elizabeth Moon is one of my all time favourite fantasy trilogies.

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Wow you guys are amazing!


Thank you so much for all of your suggestions - I have compiled a list to take with me on my next trip to a bookstore.


Non-scifi suggestions are greatly appreciated too.:)


My personal favourite classics are:



Atlas Shrugged (swallowed it in about 2 months)

The Count of Monte Cristo (after about p.50 I couldnt put it down!!!)

To kill a mocking bird...

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Seconded, it's a good book. A lot of philosophical proselytising by Heinlein, but it makes for interesting reading.


On the 'interesting military stuff' end, the Deed of Paksenarrion by Elizabeth Moon is one of my all time favourite fantasy trilogies.


Oh yes. I've read all of her stuff. Great books. :)

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Also your comment couldn't help but remind me of Wheel of Time. You a fan of that as well?

No, but I do know that the author died before he could complete the series :(


For the sake of devil's advocacy, I could never really get into A Song of Ice and Fire.



I was skeptical when I first picked it up, but about a quarter of the way into GoT I just got completely immersed in the book. A Storm of Swords almost made me put down the book. Not because it was dry but because the book just went down a route that I would not have expected and didn't want to it to go =/

Looking forward to the next one. It will be a struggle to refrain from picking it up until after I write my MCATs >_<

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