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B.A. vs. B.Sc. in Biology?

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Hey folks -


I'm going into my last year at a US school that offers both a BA and a BSc in Biology. There's no difference between the two degree requirements except for the senior project - the BSc requires a year-long research project, whereas the BA only requires a 15-20 page senior essay. I'm a year-round varsity athlete and don't have a ton of free time, so I was thinking about doing a BA - anyone know if this'll be frowned upon/will put me at a disadvantage? Do any Canadian schools offer BAs in the natural sciences?

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I doubt it will make a difference for Canadian medical schools, as the type of degree usually doesn't matter (though I think Western requires an honours degree). I've never heard of a school out west offering a BA in natural science. Eastern USA and Europe are the only places I've seen this. I think if you were to apply for a "normal" job a BA could be frowned upon, just because it is exclusively associated with humanities where I live. You should be fine with medical schools.

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Like swank said, it will not matter for medical schools, but for anything else a BSc looks better on paper.


except social work, business, communications and anything else non-science related.


however, i would say that a majority of the population thinks that getting a science degree is harder... therefore looks better and the people who get science degrees are somehow better off because of it.


in the end though... it's just a piece of paper that qualifies you for a certain subset of jobs that other people with a different piece of paper do not qualify for.

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