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Picking a back-up in 4th year


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For those of you just finishing third year, how are you deciding what programs to apply to next year?


There is no doubt in my mind that I want to get into med school, but my GPA (1st year 3.61, 2nd 3.57, third 3.82; cGPA 3.66, Ft cGPA 3.7) is forcing me to think seriously about my back-up plans.



I think I have pretty good ECs (as I am sure most people do): I have represented Canada in an international sporting events, and I have been head coach of a successful elite team full time throughout my undergrad.


As I said, I really want med school. But, my back up plans right now are masters or Law school.


This is my issue:

-I really enjoy research, but I don't see it as a practical route towards financial security (which I am quite motivated by).

-Law school would provide fairly good financial security, but I don't know if I could find an area of law as satisfying as any area of med. It is not really what I want to do.

-Also, and I may get flack for this, but I feel like the more years I apply to med, the longer I am putting off getting my life started. (don't get me wrong, I have had an amazing life so far, one that I would never take for granted. But, my career is important to me, and no matter what it is in, I am eager to get it started).


So, now I have no idea what programs to apply to over the next 8 to 10 months.


Do I apply to law school, masters, and med in the same year? If so, and i don't get in to med, I don't think I would want to give up just yet, so why would I accept a law/masters offer? why would I even apply to any other program?


Is there anyone else out there struggling with similar decisions?


I am not really looking for advice, because I know I am the only one who can make good decisions about my life..lol. Rather, I am just looking to ponder about my future in the company of other pm101ers going through the same thing.

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I'm finishing up my third year too in zoology. I gotta agree that it is tough to think about what to do next. My GPA is alright (~3.8) but EC is average, much less spectacular than the ones you listed. I applied last year but didn't get any interview offer (though I was quite close to getting one). My GPA improved this year and I'm going to redo my MCAT to hopefully bring it up a bit. I'm hoping to land at least an interview in the upcoming cycle. But you never know...cause the stats tend to inflate each year.


For me, I'm have the following options (in the order that I would most likely choose):

1. MSc

2. Take a year off to improve my EC and work at home.

3. Volunteer or work abroad


I'll keep applying for ten years and then give up. Last cycle was the first year. Hopefully I will get in by then:o

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have you written the LSAT or MCAT yet?


I think that the level of dedication in pursuing medicine or law is relatively high...as you start going through the hoops (GPA, MCAT, ECs, LORs, trying again if you don't get in, Masters...) it's a long journey in terms of a career, and speaking to medical students once you get in the journey has really only begun. I too once told myself that "I want to get started as soon as possible"...but the problem that occurred was that you always think that things are going to get better once you're in. So instead, I think that being strategic about the process is valuable - such as getting on this forum and asking questions like this - but I've learnt to enjoy some aspects of UG education and fields that I like that can also provide me with opportunities to make my medical application better. It's a precarious balance between what you think you want and the reality of the situation.


Not to be too critical, but I think your GPA is looking a bit weak for ONT med, even with weighting rules applied...are you IP somewhere else?

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have you written the LSAT or MCAT yet?


I think that the level of dedication in pursuing medicine or law is relatively high...as you start going through the hoops (GPA, MCAT, ECs, LORs, trying again if you don't get in, Masters...) it's a long journey in terms of a career, and speaking to medical students once you get in the journey has really only begun. I too once told myself that "I want to get started as soon as possible"...but the problem that occurred was that you always think that things are going to get better once you're in. So instead, I think that being strategic about the process is valuable - such as getting on this forum and asking questions like this - but I've learnt to enjoy some aspects of UG education and fields that I like that can also provide me with opportunities to make my medical application better. It's a precarious balance between what you think you want and the reality of the situation.


Not to be too critical, but I think your GPA is looking a bit weak for ONT med, even with weighting rules applied...are you IP somewhere else?


Ya, I am writing the LSAT this fall, and re-writing the MCAT in Aug. I did okay last summer, but want to make sure verbal is above western cut-off.


I know my GPA is a bit weak for ONT schools (likely understatement), and, no, I am not IP in any other province. I think my commitment to coaching has seriously impacted my GPA, but, even in hindsight, I don't think I would do anything different, because that part of my life has been so important to me.


Thanks for the responses!

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