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High School Students Please Read This

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Also, the search function is there to keep the forums from getting too cluttered. If you can't find what you're looking for in the above thread, or can't find a thread about what you'd like to know via search, feel free to post.

Best of luck :)

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if you CANNOT find an answer there already, then post.


Also, the search function is there to keep the forums from getting too cluttered. If you can't find what you're looking for in the above thread, or can't find a thread about what you'd like to know via search, feel free to post.

Best of luck :)


Good idea, you two :)

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while we're on the subject, is that FAQ missing any big ticket topics?


Tooty, I copied and pasted all of the questions that are on the FAQ as a sort of table of contents so that premeds can see exactly what is answered in the FAQ in a list. Should be easier for premeds to see what is missing this way. Like tooty said, if there's any big topics missed out, please comment below so that it can be included in the FAQ.


FAQ Contents

Where should I go for undergrad

Does the reputation of your university or program matter?

What should I do for my extra-curricular activities?

How do I calculate my GPA?

Do I need to volunteer at a hospital in order to get into medical school?

I have a low undergrad GPA, should I do a an extra year, M.Sc., or a second degree?

How will it affect my application if I take courses in the wrong year?

Should I do research in undergrad? How?

For example, what if I take first year courses in fourth year?


Do I need to do research to get into medical school?

Why would I want to do research as an undergrad if medical schools don't need it?

But what IS research?

When can I do research?

How do I find a research project/supervisor?

How do I get paid?

What if my supervisor has no money to pay me?

What can I expect to do as an undergrad?

What are publications all about?


What sorts of awards are there for students doing research?

What kinds of research opportunities are available for high school students?

Why is clinical research important to YOU?

How do I gain clinical research experience?

How do I find general research opportunities?

How do I write a cover letter for a research position?

I keep hearing the words “published” and “publication.” Does it really matter that much?

Why do medical schools value research? Some medical students get accepted without it.

Should I look for paid versus volunteer lab work?

Balancing MCAT and summer research: Can I do it?

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