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Education is a life-long prcoess that prepares us with the background knowledge and skills to efficiently solve problems in our professional or private lives.There has always been the debate over whether books or practical experiences provide us with the best education. Practical experience certainly offer some aspectsof education not fulfilled by books alone. An aspiring medical student or physician can not rely solely on theoretical knowledge learned from textbooks and classroom lectures to prepare themselves. Learning about how a certain disease is treated in the classroom undoubtly provide students with lots of backgroundknowledge on the process, but without applying those empirical knowledge in a clinical setting, the students can never fully grasp the skills required to actually

treat the disease.


However, the importance of textbook education should not be undermined. In some areas of education, textbooks and lectures might play a more siginificant role. In the field of mathematics,building thoeretical knowledge over each other is crucial. Mathematics students need to equip themselves with sufficient knowledge before venturing on the explore on their own. Textbooks and school education provide a springbroad to give the students enough momentum to become independent researchers. Without the push, students may jump desperately but never reach that required height simply because they do not have enough building blocks of theories, equations and laws to work with in order to integrate all those background knowledge,experiment with new ideas and come up with novel theories. In this case, rather than prematurely pushing students into practical experimentation, it is better to prepare them first with enough background

information to build a network of knowledge.


Textbook education and practical education are not two separate and conflicting processes.In most areas ,both kinds are required to provide a well-rounded education.However, for people constantly working in a clinical environment, practical experience might be more important than memorizing a loadful of textbook definitions. Theoretical knowledge may help you understand the process in an ideal situation, but only hands on experience can hone you skills to make critical decisions under real situations. In contrast,people that mostly work with empirical knowledge should receive education that emphasizes more on book education.After they master enough theoretical knowledge, they start building on these knowledge with their own insights and provide more knowledge for people that enter the field later. Therefore, the nature of the fields or professions education prepares people for determines how these two components of education should be apportioned.

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In a democratic society, politicians serve as speakers for the people. They represent the interests of the people and fight for their rights. In order to do so,politicians should clearly understand ordninary citizens' needs and lifestyles. If an aspiring politician was raised in a family that bears no resemblance to those ordinary one,such as an extremely wealthy one, he is not fit to be the people's representative. He probably does not understand the challenges those families have to face on a daily basis. Increasing food, and gas prices, exorbitant medical insurance bills are all topics successful politicians address. Without personally experiencing or watching family members cope with these problems, it is not surprising that the politician can only alienate his people. In borth America, many politicians grew up from blue collar working families and became politicians to address the problems they saw in their early lives and helped the poeple voice their opinions.


On the other hand, successful politicians usually differentiate themselves from ordinary citizens on some important qualities. Most of us are mainly concerned with our own interests, or those of poeple that are close to us. When are planning on getting a luxurious item, even though we sympathize with our fellow citizens who are probably starving, we will still probably buy it because it our own interest takes priority. However, politicians have to integrate needs and opinions from people with drastically different social, economic and racial backgrounds.Over-representing or under-representing any group is not tolerable. Therefore, politicians are highly senstive to others' interests and attitudes. In addition, we are usually unsure about making decisions with both alternatives being unfavourable. But for politicians, they do it almost everyday. They possess the mental prowess to integrate all relevant information and make the most logical decision to minimize the harm.


From the examples above, we can conclude that politicians need to be both similar to but different from ordinary citizens. The ability to identify with the citizens requires that the politician resemble ordinary citizens. He should have experienced or at least observed the lives of citizens. By doing so, he can best represent the people. This makes him a democratic politician. Possessing qualities that raise his abilities above that of the citizens is perequiste to being a skilled politician. Therefore, successful politicans should share citizens' backgrounds but possess some qualities not seen in all citizen.s

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  • 3 weeks later...
Education is a life-long prcoess that prepares us with the background knowledge and skills to efficiently solve problems in our professional or private lives.There has always been the debate over whether books or practical experiences provide us with the best education. Practical experience certainly offer some aspectsof education not fulfilled by books alone. An aspiring medical student or physician can not rely solely on theoretical knowledge learned from textbooks and classroom lectures to prepare themselves. Learning about how a certain disease is treated in the classroom undoubtly provide students with lots of backgroundknowledge on the process, but without applying those empirical knowledge in a clinical setting, the students can never fully grasp the skills required to actually

treat the disease.


However, the importance of textbook education should not be undermined. In some areas of education, textbooks and lectures might play a more siginificant role. In the field of mathematics,building thoeretical knowledge over each other is crucial. Mathematics students need to equip themselves with sufficient knowledge before venturing on the explore on their own. Textbooks and school education provide a springbroad to give the students enough momentum to become independent researchers. Without the push, students may jump desperately but never reach that required height simply because they do not have enough building blocks of theories, equations and laws to work with in order to integrate all those background knowledge,experiment with new ideas and come up with novel theories. In this case, rather than prematurely pushing students into practical experimentation, it is better to prepare them first with enough background

information to build a network of knowledge.


Textbook education and practical education are not two separate and conflicting processes.In most areas ,both kinds are required to provide a well-rounded education.However, for people constantly working in a clinical environment, practical experience might be more important than memorizing a loadful of textbook definitions. Theoretical knowledge may help you understand the process in an ideal situation, but only hands on experience can hone you skills to make critical decisions under real situations. In contrast,people that mostly work with empirical knowledge should receive education that emphasizes more on book education.After they master enough theoretical knowledge, they start building on these knowledge with their own insights and provide more knowledge for people that enter the field later. Therefore, the nature of the fields or professions education prepares people for determines how these two components of education should be apportioned.


Adequate control of language with some grammatical or usage problems. Problems with integration and clarity of thought. Adequately responds to tasks.


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In a democratic society, politicians serve as speakers for the people. They represent the interests of the people and fight for their rights. In order to do so,politicians should clearly understand ordninary citizens' needs and lifestyles. If an aspiring politician was raised in a family that bears no resemblance to those ordinary one,such as an extremely wealthy one, he is not fit to be the people's representative. He probably does not understand the challenges those families have to face on a daily basis. Increasing food, and gas prices, exorbitant medical insurance bills are all topics successful politicians address. Without personally experiencing or watching family members cope with these problems, it is not surprising that the politician can only alienate his people. In borth America, many politicians grew up from blue collar working families and became politicians to address the problems they saw in their early lives and helped the poeple voice their opinions.


On the other hand, successful politicians usually differentiate themselves from ordinary citizens on some important qualities. Most of us are mainly concerned with our own interests, or those of poeple that are close to us. When are planning on getting a luxurious item, even though we sympathize with our fellow citizens who are probably starving, we will still probably buy it because it our own interest takes priority. However, politicians have to integrate needs and opinions from people with drastically different social, economic and racial backgrounds.Over-representing or under-representing any group is not tolerable. Therefore, politicians are highly senstive to others' interests and attitudes. In addition, we are usually unsure about making decisions with both alternatives being unfavourable. But for politicians, they do it almost everyday. They possess the mental prowess to integrate all relevant information and make the most logical decision to minimize the harm.


From the examples above, we can conclude that politicians need to be both similar to but different from ordinary citizens. The ability to identify with the citizens requires that the politician resemble ordinary citizens. He should have experienced or at least observed the lives of citizens. By doing so, he can best represent the people. This makes him a democratic politician. Possessing qualities that raise his abilities above that of the citizens is perequiste to being a skilled politician. Therefore, successful politicans should share citizens' backgrounds but possess some qualities not seen in all citizen.s


In a democracy, the successful politician resembles the ordinary citizen.

Describe a specific situation in which the successful politician in a democracy does not resemble the ordinary citizen. Discuss what you think determines whether or not the successful politician resembles the ordinary citizen.


Some difficulty in responding to tasks. Major ideas are undeveloped. Problems with organization, and coherence of ideas. Problems with clarity of thought.


I feel this essay will score an:


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