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Concordia Science College


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We dont have a concordia section on this site so i figured I would post here.


Is anyone currently in the concordia science college? I have a few questions regarding being a member of the science college. What is it all about? Whats the point? From my readings online, it seems to offer some research experience, but im still a bit unclear as to what exactly it offers. If anyone who is currently in the program could elaborate on this, I would be greatly appreciative.

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Hi, it's a very concentrated interdisciplinary program with some extra research requirements throughout your studies. Do it if you love the sciences (ie. chemistry, physics, biology) and not simply as a means to get into medschool because it can be a heavy program if you are not dedicated to it


You will be taking extra science classes as your minors and these classes aren't always easy. It offers great training for future scientists and will give you plenty of opportunity to build your research and thinking skills for a future scientific career.

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I was also wondering about the science college- I'd like to know how it would compare to the experience at McGill. I'm trying to decide between the two right now. It seems like a fairly intensive program- do you think it would have a negative impact on my marks compared to a regular program?


Same here, and have to decided shortly, any final input would be greatly appreciated.

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