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Lord of the Flies


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I know its probably been a really long time, but do any of you remember reading the Lord of the Flies by William Golding in highschool?


I have been assigned an open-ended research project and dont know where to start.


Some examples our teacher gave to the class were:


The behavior of tropical pigs in an inhabited climate

& at what age to children evolve from an instant gratification mindset.


Any ideas?


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There's a lot of ideas out there...one of my favourite novels, in fact.


You could do a comparison between another famous novel called "heart of darkness"...lots of resources there on the internet and your local library


You could look at other comparisons, both literary and perhaps in the media (ex. Lost has some of the themes) on how Golding's work is used today and why it is the "quintessential" sort of novel to refer to when trying to explore innate human savagery and our predisposition for violence.


Or you could explore the psychology behind violence - a good "nature vs nurture" argument.


Lots of ideas....google has more, these are off the top of my head

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