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Can any help me estimate my chances?

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I'm really starting to look at american schools now since my MCAT came out.


Here are my stats:


GPA: 3.75 (this is what american schools see)

MCAT(P/V/B): 1st : 10/9/14Q (33Q)| 2nd: 9/10/12 R(31R)


I'm a bit disappointed my MCAT dropped BUT I'm happy I was able to raise my verbal, not sure if that is good or bad lol.


I have 2 year volunteer experience all which is patient orientated. I have done doctor shadowing with 2 doctors and 1 year clinical experience with a paid job at a large pharma company's Medical Information department. On top of that I have stray leadership experience in college but I haven't sorted out those yet (not anything spectacular though).


What can I do to improve my chances and which schools could I realistically expect to get interviews from? I realize I need an awesome personal statement and good references but is that all?


Thanks guys

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Your overall chances are good, apply boradly and early and you should get in somewhere in the US/ Canada.


The MCAT drop is not good in the sense that US schools are not as anal as Canada for that 10 in verbal. They care more about a higher composite. Your 33 would have gotten you more interviews than your 31. With that being said, 31 is still a really good score and you should be good for a lot of the low tier, but it may put you out of the running for some of the mid/high tier schools.


Schools I think you have really good chances are:


Wayne State


SUNY upstate





penn state



Schools I think you may have a shot are








You may want to apply to the high tiers like VAndy, Duke, Hopkins, Wash U, and Harvard. But again, with decreasing MCAT, its an uphill battle since those schools are more STATs heavy (especially Wash U). But who knows, write a killer essay and have amazing resarch publication/international volunteer experience/leadership positions may compensate for it, anything is possible!


Good luck!


I'm really starting to look at american schools now since my MCAT came out.


Here are my stats:


GPA: 3.75 (this is what american schools see)

MCAT(P/V/B): 1st : 10/9/14Q (33Q)| 2nd: 9/10/12 R(31R)


I'm a bit disappointed my MCAT dropped BUT I'm happy I was able to raise my verbal, not sure if that is good or bad lol.


I have 2 year volunteer experience all which is patient orientated. I have done doctor shadowing with 2 doctors and 1 year clinical experience with a paid job at a large pharma company's Medical Information department. On top of that I have stray leadership experience in college but I haven't sorted out those yet (not anything spectacular though).


What can I do to improve my chances and which schools could I realistically expect to get interviews from? I realize I need an awesome personal statement and good references but is that all?


Thanks guys

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You should visit SDN. There's a tonne of info there for general application prep and school specific information. Your stats are similar to mine so I think you would have a decent chance getting in somewhere if you apply early. In addition to the schools suggested, you should also apply to SLU or NYMC if you would be able to provide escrow tuition.

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The MCAT drop is not good in the sense that US schools are not as anal as Canada for that 10 in verbal. They care more about a higher composite. Your 33 would have gotten you more interviews than your 31.


Thanks for your reply (:


Btw I didn't realize the US schools prefered a higher overall score x__x. My impression was they would like a balanced score.... How much will the falling MCAT score affect me?

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Its hard to say..logically one would think that schools will look down on your overall score doing down HOWEVER there was a forum member this past cycle who had the same issue as you (2nd mcat score was a little lower) and he/she got a couple of acceptance if I remember correctly. Just look through the Accepted/Rejected/Waitlisted thread for this past cycle and you'll spot it.

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They want overall higher score and semi balanced. Ofcourse, a 15/3/15 would still raise some eyebrows but as long as each section is 9 or higher generally schools just care about your composite after that. With that being said, there are some schools that take your best section, so you may potentially have higher than 33 at those schools. But for most schools, they take your most recent, which is your 31 (still a good score, you should get plenty of interviews, dont worry)


Thanks for your reply (:


Btw I didn't realize the US schools prefered a higher overall score x__x. My impression was they would like a balanced score.... How much will the falling MCAT score affect me?

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Its hard to say..logically one would think that schools will look down on your overall score doing down HOWEVER there was a forum member this past cycle who had the same issue as you (2nd mcat score was a little lower) and he/she got a couple of acceptance if I remember correctly. Just look through the Accepted/Rejected/Waitlisted thread for this past cycle and you'll spot it.


Hey guys!


I think you're talking about me and, OP, since you are interested in BU and NYU specifically I can tell you this:


I dropped from a 33R -> 31R (so precisely the same numerical drop as you had). Got interviewed at both BU and NYU. In fact, on the WL as we speak at NYU and waiting for the WL to start moving.


Also accepted at Kentucky despite the drop.


I can tell you this: your drop WILL affect your applications negatively. I am very confident I would have had more interviews (possibly more acceptances) if I had not rewritten based on what I know in retrospect.


Whether or not you will be successful heavily depends on your ECs and GPA. I'm very fortunate to have been accepted at a school I fell in love with. That said, ALL your interviews will need to be excellent (major reason for my acceptance, I know this for a fact) to stand a chance with a 31 (especially as a result of a drop) being an international applicant.


To finish off, I was rejected at BU post-interview. IMO, it had to do with butchering one question. Check the US forums for updates. I will post there if I get off the NYU WL. I think it is doable to get in with a dropped MCAT as an international...but you'll need to make up for the drop with everything you got (& have luck on your side).

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If you don't mind me asking GGGSaint, but what kind of EC did you have?


Also what were the interviews like? I know they're broad questions but I do believe your situation is similar to mine and I just wanna see how that affected the process. (:


But I still remain hopeful for NYU or BU! I'm happy that you got onto the waitlist for NYU! Hopefully that moves along fast.

Hey guys!


I think you're talking about me and, OP, since you are interested in BU and NYU specifically I can tell you this:


I dropped from a 33R -> 31R (so precisely the same numerical drop as you had). Got interviewed at both BU and NYU. In fact, on the WL as we speak at NYU and waiting for the WL to start moving.


Also accepted at Kentucky despite the drop.


I can tell you this: your drop WILL affect your applications negatively. I am very confident I would have had more interviews (possibly more acceptances) if I had not rewritten based on what I know in retrospect.


Whether or not you will be successful heavily depends on your ECs and GPA. I'm very fortunate to have been accepted at a school I fell in love with. That said, ALL your interviews will need to be excellent (major reason for my acceptance, I know this for a fact) to stand a chance with a 31 (especially as a result of a drop) being an international applicant.


To finish off, I was rejected at BU post-interview. IMO, it had to do with butchering one question. Check the US forums for updates. I will post there if I get off the NYU WL. I think it is doable to get in with a dropped MCAT as an international...but you'll need to make up for the drop with everything you got (& have luck on your side).

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If you don't mind me asking GGGSaint, but what kind of EC did you have?


Also what were the interviews like? I know they're broad questions but I do believe your situation is similar to mine and I just wanna see how that affected the process. (:


But I still remain hopeful for NYU or BU! I'm happy that you got onto the waitlist for NYU! Hopefully that moves along fast.


A broad spectrum of athletics, leadership, some research, a bit of theatre. Just did things that I loved, some at a higher level than others (i.e. beyond local). Don't want to get into too much detail before this cycle is (finally) finished.


Interview at BU was 1-hour long, heavy into research + 1 ethical question. NYU was COMPLETELY different...arguably the most chill interview on the US trail. My interviewer was awesome and was selling the school to me the first half of the interview and then we talked about some of my research work and sports.


Finally, for reference, my cumulative and science GPAs were both a smidgen short of a 3.8. Just so you have a better overall picture.


In all honesty, perfect timing of my update letter was what got me the NYU interview. It was short, sweet, impactful...and thankfully found itself onto the table shortly after being sent. I believe I received an interview offer 1 or 2 days after sending it in. Not sure I would have interviewed otherwise, but the key is once you have interviewed your chances "reset"...especially at a school like NYU where the WL is not ranked.


Anyway, I feel I'm digressing here. Good luck with your app and know that it is possible to (at least) get interviews at your two coveted medical schools with the MCAT you have.

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