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there's like 5 threads on this, which are all like 5+ pages long, just sayin... btw, possession can get you a crim record, so it's not really like there are no consequences at all, and alcohol is illegal, not decriminalized for high school students... you can't even compare the two either, they're totally different drugs with two totally different phenomenological effects... why don't you read some actual research on drug policy before posting bs... sorry, just to tired to post a page long response to epic fail

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yes, weed is an amazing drug when used occasionally (frequent use can lead to a pretty strong addiction as well as general laziness and lack of motivation, i know from personal experience). however, i disagree with your stance on the legalization of it. the fact is that weed is much easier to obtain for junior high/high school students then alcohol. i feel that if appropriate laws were put in place to regulate the distribution of marijuana then it would be more difficult for minors to obtain it.

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