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Question about European medical schools

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I am currently living and going to University in Cananda, I have both my Canadian & European Citizenship. I was just wondering ..... if I finish my undergrad in Canada can I apply to med schools in Europe and not be considered an international student? Also, I hear that med schools in Europe are much different than those in North America, such as that there 6 years long and dont even require a undergrad and you can go straight into them from high school, with that being said are there any medical schools in Europe that are similar to med schools in Canada and USA. And 1 more thing, which med school in Europe is most recognized in Canada? Thanks in advance

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1) if you have EU citizenship, you're not considered international

2) Yes, they are different. Many students get in after high school.

3) I'm sorry, I'm not a Europe med school specialist...I think if you use the search function, you can find more. I think some recognized ones are in Ireland or England.

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1) if you have EU citizenship, you're not considered international


This isn't necessarily true...my brother and I have EU citizenship and I think we had to have lived there for X amount of years in order to not be considered international. You'd have to check into this more, but I know that just being an EU citizen isn't enough.....

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