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Supplemental Information Form

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I know the Class of 2016 application has yet to open but I want to start getting some things together to make sure I have enough time to contact all the references I need too. I was going through the Supplemental Information Form on the dal med site and had two questions (assuming the form is the same for the coming cycle).


1) The non-medically related volunteering section does not explicitly state "since graduating from high school". I was wondering if anyone knew if this was an oversight or if they would like to know about non-medically related volunteering in high school?


2) How would you interpret "University Scholarships, Awards and Publications at any time" for awards. Do you think this means awards at any time (i.e. in high school as well) or University awards at any time?


3) Would you include declined scholarship offers from the universities you did not attend?


Thanks for the help!

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From everything I have heard from Dal Med, it is only university and beyond, not high school. They might make an exception for really significant awards or volunteering. IMO I wouldn't put it on your app

Don't include declined scholarship offers because they are not awarded to you

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In addition to significance I think that highschool stuff should show your commitment to certain events/positions. If you have been involved in organizing an event or have been volunteering somewhere through Uni, but you were also involved in highschool then I would include it. As for random highschool things your aren't involved with anymore, as long as it doesnt explicitly say not to include it and as long as the highschool stuff you add doesn't clutter your application then it probably won't hurt you.

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