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Guest Philly

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Guest Philly

Alright, I'm just looking into med school and am curious how GPA's are calculated. Does each school use the same number grade to GPA scale? Do you have to convert each mark and then take an average of the marks, or can you just convert your average? These are all probably dumb questions, but I appreciate the help.

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Guest shkelo

Depends on the school. There are two (!!) 4-point systems (A+, 4.0; A, 3.9; A-, 3.7; B+, 3.3; B, 3.0; etc... and A, 4.0; A-, 3.7; B+, 3.3, etc...), a percentage system and the 9-point system. Convert your numerical grade to the appropriate stardardized grading system. Roughly, a 4.0 is >90% and 3.9/3.7 is 85-89% depending on the school, but each school (and course) is different. Each grade is weighted by course units (full semester or full year where a full year grade for a course is worth double). Add them up and divide by the number of course units and this will give you your GPA.


Check out this grade conversion table to see which school uses which system:


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