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Discrepancy on stats?

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So I searched some stats requirements for several schools, and it seems there is a discrepancy, including on the msar?


for harvard, on their website the average entering class had a gpa of 3.8

but on several other websites, they cite it as being ~3.9

same thing with yale- yale says its a 3.78, but others put it around 3.9 too


i is confused.

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Harvard and Yale are fairly hard to get in to. I would only apply with a 3.9 + GPA and a decent MCAT, then let lady luck play her game. With a 3.8 and a decent MCAT, I guess lady luck has been dealt a tough hand to work with but maybe she can pull it off.


no takers? :S
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MSAR and school website as official accurate data ftw


So I searched some stats requirements for several schools, and it seems there is a discrepancy, including on the msar?


for harvard, on their website the average entering class had a gpa of 3.8

but on several other websites, they cite it as being ~3.9

same thing with yale- yale says its a 3.78, but others put it around 3.9 too


i is confused.

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