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I was wondering if anyone out there had any feedback on Mac PT versus UofT PT. I do not personally know anyone in either program, and was wondering if anyone out there has heard some feedback on them, how they like the program, how they like PBL at Mac (or the structure at UofT)


Thanks! :)

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I have heard good things about Toronto's program from two of the physiotherapists/clinic owners that I work for. They mentioned that the program structure appears to be very conducive to learning the material well. One of the therapists mentioned that he had not heard great things about Mac's program - namely the success of the PBT approach to learning the material needed to be successful on placement.


However, I do have a sister in the OT program at Mac and she completely loves this approach and thinks that it helps her to really get a grasp on the material. Honestly, they are both very strong schools and personally I think it boils down to personal preference.


Good luck with your decision! I wasn't accepted to either school, so no need to worry about any bias.

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When I was shadowing PTs at Toronto West Hospital a month ago, they had some very negative things to say about U of T PTs. The reason is compared to other PTs students (such as ones from Mac), U of T grads seem to focus more on the science behind PT and not enough on Clinical skills and mastering patient interaction. A good example would be ho U of T approach the selection process. In Cap, it's all written, no human interaction, compared to Mac's interviews, where they want to see what kind of person you are.


As for PBL, it's about giving you a problem and learning as you solve it, so without a solid foundation in the basic sciences, it can create a lot of problems.


My advice is to pick Mac is you majored in Kin or another biological science as an undergrad. Go to U of T if you are not. Another reason to go to U of T could be their heavy emphasis on research. Mac has a focus on rural practice and mastering clinical skills and approaching learning with actual case studies.


So again, if you want to focus on the academic side of PT, go U of T, if you want to focus on the clinical side of PT go Mac.


I was accepted to both schools and since I'm not from the GTA and I love patient interaction, I would have chose Mac

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I just graduated from UofT and recently found a job. This is what I love about UofT and why I chose it.

(1) UofT is regarded highly in clinical placements. I am always given positive feedback on new students that come from UofT.

(2) More opportunities in clinical practice due to a vast number of hospitals!! GREAT PLUS!!

(3) Plethora of resources, biggest library system in Canada which comes in handy when doing final research project.

(4) Better social life, downtown core, never run out of things to do or explore. Also Olympic size pool!

(5) Give you exactly what you need to learn, no need to spend time searching on your own. Gives you a lot of time to focus on placements -- leads to greater confidence in the workplace.

(6) UofT is a well known school in the states in case you want to move there. This shows that you have world class professors and researchers that are leaders in the field.

(7) Class of 80, comfortable number. If you want to keep to yourself you can and if you want to shine, you can do that -- you're never singled out!


I also have a colleague who graduated from Queens. She loved the program too and what it offered her, so it all comes down to personal preference.


Goodluck guys! PM me if you have an questions. I know this may come across as bias, but I experienced it first hand!

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