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Rescheduling MCAT


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I'm currently scheduled to write this beast of a test on July 6th at a Toronto location, but I feel like I need more time to go over practice tests and VR :( .


With that being said, I was looking at changing my MCAT date to July 16th. If anyone that has a July 16th Toronto MCAT is thinking of switching out of it, could you please PM me?


Thanks and good luck to everyone studying!

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Maybe I haven't thought that possibility fully through...


I originally didn't want reschedule much later than July 16th because I intend on applying to US schools this summer. I understand they have rolling admissions and that the later you apply, the less of a shot you have at getting accepted.


I am now wondering if writing on July 16th vs a later date (lets say July 28th) would make a big difference in my chances at a US school.


I guess that leads me to a bigger question for anyone willing to give me some input. (please :confused:)


Should I write on July 6th (my current write date) in order to allow me to submit US applications by mid-August even though I may not be fully prepared for the MCAT. OR should I reschedule for July 16th/28th and risk admission to a US school because of a later MCAT score release date?

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Keep in mind, July 6 may be almost a month away, but it'll creep up VERY quickly on you. You've got to really beast on that studying. Make sure you do a ton of practice on VR. How is your content review? You've got to get tons of state training in before then. Make sure you have enough time. Worse comes to worse, you can retake in August/September for Ontario/CDA.

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Maybe I haven't thought that possibility fully through...


I originally didn't want reschedule much later than July 16th because I intend on applying to US schools this summer. I understand they have rolling admissions and that the later you apply, the less of a shot you have at getting accepted.


I am now wondering if writing on July 16th vs a later date (lets say July 28th) would make a big difference in my chances at a US school.


I guess that leads me to a bigger question for anyone willing to give me some input. (please :confused:)


Should I write on July 6th (my current write date) in order to allow me to submit US applications by mid-August even though I may not be fully prepared for the MCAT. OR should I reschedule for July 16th/28th and risk admission to a US school because of a later MCAT score release date?


I just read this part. Although this rule is not hard and fast, I encourage it in your case: Do not take the MCAT unless you are fully prepared.


Take as late a date a possible. It is not worth your while to submit an application with an acknowledged weak score.

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I just read this part. Although this rule is not hard and fast, I encourage it in your case: Do not take the MCAT unless you are fully prepared.


Take as late a date a possible. It is not worth your while to submit an application with an acknowledged weak score.


thanks for the input!

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what are the consequences of taking an MCAT if you are not "fully" prepared? other than a waste of $300 and a lower than you had hoped for MCAT score, are there really any bad consequences? Please enlighten me if so, I plan on exploring all options (Canada, United States and even Austrailia) when I start applying for schools. I'm writing the MCAT in sept, but i don't plan to apply for this upcoming cycle. I really have no idea how I'll do on the MCAT and I guess I'm viewing my mcat in sept as a learning experience

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what are the consequences of taking an MCAT if you are not "fully" prepared? other than a waste of $300 and a lower than you had hoped for MCAT score, are there really any bad consequences? Please enlighten me if so, I plan on exploring all options (Canada, United States and even Austrailia) when I start applying for schools. I'm writing the MCAT in sept, but i don't plan to apply for this upcoming cycle. I really have no idea how I'll do on the MCAT and I guess I'm viewing my mcat in sept as a learning experience


If you intend to apply to the US, then there might be a drawback. Apparently some US schools frown upon those who write the MCAT more than 2-3 times. Assuming that you don't do well on the MCAT this September, then there goes 1/2 or 1/3 shots. In general, I believe Canadian schools don't care how many times you write, so no drawback there (there might be some exceptions).


Also, depending on the situation you are currently in (ie: about to apply to med school this cycle vs applying in a future cylce), doing poorly on the MCAT can defeat your chances at certain med schools for the current application cycle...especially if you don't have time to rewrite before apps are due!


Aside from those 2 reasons, of course doing poorly on the MCAT means there goes $300, self-confidence, and a lot of time that you've spent studying that you will never be able to get back.


I suggest that if you're gonna write the MCAT, study for it right...don't half-ass it. One of the worst feelings you can experience is knowing that you are going to have to devote "x" amount of time studying for the beast next year because you didn't do as well as you wanted.


You sound like you're just interested in getting a taste of the exam style. If this is the case, then I recommend purchasing an AAMC practice test and doing it under regular test conditions without registering for the actual test. On the other hand, if you're serious about writing it this September, then make sure to buckle down and study. Don't have the attitude of: "if I don't do well, then who cares...I can always rewrite". Go big or go home.

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I'm currently scheduled to write this beast of a test on July 6th at a Toronto location, but I feel like I need more time to go over practice tests and VR :( .


With that being said, I was looking at changing my MCAT date to July 16th. If anyone that has a July 16th Toronto MCAT is thinking of switching out of it, could you please PM me?


Thanks and good luck to everyone studying!


If you decide to drop this spot, can you PM me? I'm looking for this exact location/date.

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Thanks :-) I was in the same situation before and no spot opened up to switch by the deadline and I had to cancel and then a couple of days later a spot opened up....ugh


i know I could prob look this up, but I figure I'd ask. How much is it to cancel just in case that's what I end up doing?


..."ugh" is right!

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She wants to know if Sept 2nd is too late to apply through OMSAS...


Sorry guys - don't have the answer for her since I'm writing Aug 12th :(


OMSAS applications are usually due at the beginning of October (I believe it was October 5th last year). However, you are allowed to submit your application without your MCAT score. When you receive your MCAT score, then you can choose to have it automatically sent in to OMSAS with the rest of your completed application.


This way, if you write your MCAT on, lets say September 13th (don't know if this is an actual test date), you would get your score back on around October 15th and it would be released to OMSAS for an automatic update.


As long as your score is released before the specified date, then you're in the clear. The only disadvantage of writing the MCAT that late is that you're gambling because you don't know your score before submitting all of your money...

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OMSAS applications are usually due at the beginning of October (I believe it was October 5th last year). However, you are allowed to submit your application without your MCAT score. When you receive your MCAT score, then you can choose to have it automatically sent in to OMSAS with the rest of your completed application.


This way, if you write your MCAT on, lets say September 13th (don't know if this is an actual test date), you would get your score back on around October 15th and it would be released to OMSAS for an automatic update.


As long as your score is released before the specified date, then you're in the clear. The only disadvantage of writing the MCAT that late is that you're gambling because you don't know your score before submitting all of your money...


You guys are amazing - she says thank you from the bottom of her heart!




*macbook self combusts*


I feel as betrayed as when they told me that I would have cake. BUT NOOO THE CAKE IS A LIE

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