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got timed out on a test?


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Hey guys,


Today at the end of my test, I had 5 min left for BS, and the system logged me out and said timed out? I got so confused I asked the proctor and he said there might have been a glitch in the system. I was done all the questions but it didn't show the survey and I didn't click submit or whatever it is on the void or not page. I am so worried my test didn't get submitted....what do you guys make of this????????????

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I'm sure you'll be fine :) how did it go? Don't worry - I think the AAMC just does a retrieval - you can always write a complaint/re-test request and see if they can confirm that they did get your exam.


Retest? lol, I REALLY don't want to do this again hahaha....oh lord...


and it was ok, VR was LONGGERRR than any practice I've done, I warn you my friend. I never ran out of time in practice, on the real thing, I hardly had time to answer the last couple questions!


ALOT of application, get familiar with how to analyze exprimental psgs. It was most similar to AAMC11, not the earlier ones for sure.

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Retest? lol, I REALLY don't want to do this again hahaha....oh lord...


and it was ok, VR was LONGGERRR than any practice I've done, I warn you my friend. I never ran out of time in practice, on the real thing, I hardly had time to answer the last couple questions!


ALOT of application, get familiar with how to analyze exprimental psgs. It was most similar to AAMC11, not the earlier ones for sure.


Yikes! Don't worry though. it's over for you, and you prepared as much as you can. Now do NOT think about it in the next 3 weeks! Enjoy the summer to the best of your abilities!

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