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Prerequisites for American Meds

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Physics 1010, 1410, or 1420 will be accepted. Take 1420, as 1010 is for physics majors and 1420 prof is incredible.


EN 1953 will be accepted ( i know people that got in with it). I would imagine 1001+1002 would be as well, as would EN 1520. You want an English course with writing, not a writing course, which is why the other 2 are less likely to be accepted (but probably still would - you can always contact the schools and ask, or look at their descriptions for what they are looking for in an English course).


Most schools do not require calculus, although a few do ( I don't have a list of which schools, though there is likely one one this forum - just search for it; and if not there for sure is one on SDN. You can usually complete those the year (or often summer) before entry


If you are doing a BSc at York, you need to do a calculus course anyways - either MATH 1505 (which probably is good enough at most schools - as the course description shows it is calculus, even though the title doesn't.) The other Calculus courses at York for sure are good for that requirement.


My personal advice would be - Unless you are terrific at math, take 1505 with the right profs and do well. as the chances that 1) you get accepted and choose an American school which 2) requires calculus and 3) doesnt accept 1505 and 4) doesn't allow you to take it the year/summer before you start there is very very low. The chances that you will do better in 1505 than in Yorks other calc courses is very very high

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