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Huge burn on the back of my neck, my friend thought it would be funny to use a flaming piece of cardboard covered in tape as a frisby, miscalculated for wind and bam lol. So turns out tape really sticks when it's hot. Ahh sweet childhood memories


If you could rewind time once for as long as you want what would you have done differently?


I used to be a terrible person. I was selfish and manipulative and ruined one of the best friendships I ever had. So, yeah, I would redo that aspect of my childhood. It happened a long time ago, but it still haunts me. Maybe it's a good thing, though, because I became a better person after (I hope). So maybe I wouldn't actually redo it. Unsure.


How long did it take you to realize what the symbol for The Bay is? (Or is it just me that forever thought it was some esoteric bow or something?)

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I used to be a terrible person. I was selfish and manipulative and ruined one of the best friendships I ever had. So, yeah, I would redo that aspect of my childhood. It happened a long time ago, but it still haunts me. Maybe it's a good thing, though, because I became a better person after (I hope). So maybe I wouldn't actually redo it. Unsure.


How long did it take you to realize what the symbol for The Bay is? (Or is it just me that forever thought it was some esoteric bow or something?)



I laugh because it took me years to realize it was a B instead of a bow


Bill O'reily,what would you do to him if he was strollin the streets of your town and you ran into him?

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I laugh because it took me years to realize it was a B instead of a bow


Bill O'reily,what would you do to him if he was strollin the streets of your town and you ran into him?


Give a polite nod. I agree and disagree with some of his points, but respect the fact that he has a voice and uses it.


What was your favorite childhood TV show(s)?

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Give a polite nod. I agree and disagree with some of his points, but respect the fact that he has a voice and uses it.


What was your favorite childhood TV show(s)?

Luz Clarita . . . a mexican soap.


Boy Meets World.


What do you want them to do with your body when you die?

Bury it.


What's the longest time you went without sleep?

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Luz Clarita . . . a mexican soap.


What's the longest time you went without sleep?


I think I've gone more than 24 hours

Married with children :D


What is most annoying person in your classes act like?

Yes Aaron!

So he makes grande hand gestures that make me want to kill him but that's besides the point. This guy basically argues with the prof (he's wrong all the time) in the most hostile tone, and sometimes he'll put his hand up to reiterate a point because *he didn't quite understand*. It's actually kind of funny because me and my friends gave him a nickname too rude to post on here, and I know of at least 3 different groups of people that have independantly come up with almost the exact same name. That bad.

Do you think the extra info you'll gather from an all nighter will make up for the inability to write the test the next morning?

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People in my biomedical ethics class... CONSTANTLY trying to argue with our prof.


Again, ideal date?


Something legitimately fun like paintballing. If I found a girl that would agree to that I'd have to marry her though



Do you think the extra info you'll gather from an all nighter will make up for the inability to write the test the next morning?

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Something legitimately fun like paintballing. If I found a girl that would agree to that I'd have to marry her though



Do you think the extra info you'll gather from an all nighter will make up for the inability to write the test the next morning?


Paintballing is the shiznit.


No, generally too tired after an all-nighter to have clear thoughts in the am (which is why I don't pull em)


Favorite course you've taken so far?

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Paintballing is the shiznit.


No, generally too tired after an all-nighter to have clear thoughts in the am (which is why I don't pull em)


Favorite course you've taken so far?

I agree. Paintballing sounds like a lot of fun. I grew up playing a similar game with my siblings, not with paint though but with fake toy guns that shoot out these tiny little pellets. They hurt like hell, but it's so much fun.


Prob physiology if I have to choose.


Iphone 5, in black or white?

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I agree. Paintballing sounds like a lot of fun. I grew up playing a similar game with my siblings, not with paint though but with fake toy guns that shoot out these tiny little pellets. They hurt like hell, but it's so much fun.


Prob physiology if I have to choose.


Iphone 5, in black or white?

Whichever I'd throw it in the trash anyway


I feel really awkward talking about myself, am I ever going to get through meds chool interviews?

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Only if you mean the type of GPCR ligand-binding domain.


Are your grandparents cool individuals?

I wouldn't say they're "cool" cool -- well maybe my grandma is, my grandfather is a very quiet man though (unless you get to know him) but they're pretty awesome. I adore my grandparents very very much.


Worst class you've ever taken?

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I wouldn't say they're "cool" cool -- well maybe my grandma is, my grandfather is a very quiet man though (unless you get to know him) but they're pretty awesome. I adore my grandparents very very much.


Worst class you've ever taken?


Economics still sends shudders down my spine


Weirdest animal you have eaten?

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Snail. They're delicioous


What are your plans for if you don't get into med school (or whatever school you're hoping for)?


No plan at all, I'll work as a research assistant or something just to kill time and apply again.


Do you trust the admissions committee's decision to be fair and objective when assessing your application?

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No plan at all, I'll work as a research assistant or something just to kill time and apply again.


Do you trust the admissions committee's decision to be fair and objective when assessing your application?


Nope, they're only human, but that's life.


How much water do you drink on a given day? Everyone is always telling me I drink too much, but I still feel thirsty so...

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Depends on which friend it is and if I think they deserve it.


What are your thoughts on death? Sorry I've been morbid lately, haha.


Just a part of life, it's going to inevitably happen so no point going around stressing about it while you're alive. Definitely something to be mocked.

Here maybe this will make you feel less morbid:


How tall are you, seriously?

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Just a part of life, it's going to inevitably happen so no point going around stressing about it while you're alive. Definitely something to be mocked.

Here maybe this will make you feel less morbid:


How tall are you, seriously?


Oh no, I don't feel morbid! I just felt like asking morbid questions :D.




How much do you weigh? I love overly personal questions.

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