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Hi Angel,


First of all, read mcgill med-p admissions website. Read it in detail, write summary notes and key facts if you have to. Read it a few times if neccessary.


From doing that, you will know that to be concidered competitive, you need a 34 CRC though a 32 CRC has reportedly been offered a seat. You will also discover that you must not fall below 6 courses and an X number of credits per term. Best way to satisfy this is to follow the course planner given by JAC. Under normal circumstances, you should finish your DEC in 2 years (4 semesters). Best not to take intersession or summer courses if you can avoid it. PM me for more details if needed :)

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Once you are at the interview stage, it's ~100% MMI that either gets you in or out.


Even if you have really good ECs and a really good CRC, if you do poorly on the MMI it'll be hard to get in. :)


So do practise a lot for the MMIs and how you articulate your thoughts/ideas



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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, see my Sticky on the MMI in the Medical Student Interview Forum, which is in two parts, and depending upon your level of maturity, ontariostudent's comments and approach to the McGill MMI are dead on, :) i.e., she did no prep and just had fun, was accepted and turned down McGill in favour of U/T. However, she was older than you and had more life experience.

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I'm asking myself why every faculties are looking for exceptionnaly human, empathic, communicative and expressive students at their interviews.


The Canadian health care system doesn't only need doctors without borders, family doctors, pediatricians and other clinicians. It also needs pathologists, researchers, scientists working in labs, etc. which might often be more introvert and less communicative (not to generalize).


Maybe they should review their criteria? what do you think?

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