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Formatting Essay - Mac versus Windows

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Hey guys,


Has anyone else noticed that the formatting of the essay is different on Macs than it is on Windows computers? I did the first draft on a Mac, but when I opened the account in a Windows system, the essay was all mis-formatted. It would definitely throw a reader off. Does anyone know how to deal with this? If the admissions office uses windows, then maybe it is better to format the essay while open in Windows..? Has anyone else noticed this problem? Any suggestions from anyone?



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Hey guys,


Has anyone else noticed that the formatting of the essay is different on Macs than it is on Windows computers? I did the first draft on a Mac, but when I opened the account in a Windows system, the essay was all mis-formatted. It would definitely throw a reader off. Does anyone know how to deal with this? If the admissions office uses windows, then maybe it is better to format the essay while open in Windows..? Has anyone else noticed this problem? Any suggestions from anyone?



I am doing all my work on a Mac and never bothered to check what things would look like on Windows. I didn't think such things would matter considering we are copying and pasting into the Step 2 essay field!


I wrote my essay on MS Word for Mac (2011). Perhaps you used Pages?


Either way, I empathize with you, but I am not going to concern myself about it. Perhaps mine looks screwey from Windows too, but that's a bit beyond my control and so I will let the adcoms deal with that headache.



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Thanks for your reply. I actually should have clarified that I was using Microsoft Word for both computers. Sure the adcom can deal with it, and it's still legible, but I think it takes away from the essay if it's printed out in the weird format. It's not the end of the world, but I'd be annoyed if I had to read it like it showed up on my windows computer.

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