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Break or no Break??


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I just need some people's input on my university schedule... As you can see MWF I have 4 lectures back to back, a break, then biology. Well I'm beginning to doubt whether that 1hr break will be of any use. I was pondering if it's bearable to have 5 lectures back to back b/c I'm considering moving up bio a slot?? I have physics, chem, calc & bio all in the same building complex so the classes aren't that far from each other.




I'd rather finish early with my lectures so I can have amble time to study, go to the gym etc.

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I wouldn't move bio up an hour. Sure, you may not get a ton of productive work done in that hour, but after having 4 straight hours of class, I would want a small mental break. But that's just me; I don't think I would care for 5 hours straight of class.


+1. If you don't think you will be productive during that hour, do something that is not school-related - go for a walk, squeeze in a quick workout, socialize so you can study later, work on something related to one of your ECs, etc. Not to mention, the break is at lunch time, so feed yourself!

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Don't forget you need a lunch break too! Last year I had 3 lectures and a 3-hour lab right after and I was soooo hungry by the end of the lab. Though I guess you could eat in class or snack while walking from class-to-class.

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