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OMSAS Conversion

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I go to University of Toronto and just finished year 4. I was wondering how to calculate my OMSAS gpa. Since we get both percentage and letter grade on the transcript, do I only use the percentage.


I converted my year 4 marks to the OMSAS GPA using column 3 on the conversion chart.


87 --> 3.9

88 --> 3.9

80 --> 3.7

84 --> 3.7

94 --> 4

93 --> 4

77 --> 3.3

77 --> 3.3

92 --> 4

92 --> 4


So I take the average of the individual OMSAS gpa for each course. 37.8/10 = 3.78

So my OMSAS gpa for year 4 would be 3.78.


Is this the correct way to calculate?

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