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Hi guys, when you put in your transcript request, it only gets submitted when you submit the whole application. If you submit on the deadline, the transcript won't get there until after the deadline, so how does that work, since you have to use the request form for Ontario universities?

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They say that's OK, because it's going through the OMSAS request form. If you're requesting your transcripts on your own (OOP or Ontario transcripts not available through their service) those have to be IN by the deadline.


"Receipt of the TRF (transcript request form) by October 3, 2011, satisfies the transcript deadline requirement."

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I was wondering that too, vanillalatte.


Does somebody know - if I took a course one summer just for personal interest at a university, do I have to list it under "Postsecondary Education"? It asks for the program, but in my case, there wasn't one, because it was a one-time course for personal interest. It seems I have to mention it though, because under the "Transcripts" part, it says to submit transcripts for each postsecondary institution you have attended.


As an aside, who do you contact when you have questions like this - OMSAS?

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Also, what do I put for conferred date when the two years worth of courses I took did not contribute to me obtaining a degree? Right now I've just put the date I finished my last year at that college and am just assuming they understand that I didn't obtain a degree at the end of those 2 years. Its also not requiring me to put any grades in, is that all right? I am sending my transcripts for college there as well, so I guess they will see all that.

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You must disclose ALL post secondary education! It is not optional.


I have a quick question- if I took a course in the summer and didn't withdraw within the timeframe for that course and as such was given a grade that wasn't accurate (it should have been a W). It was on an LOP and my current university has it listed as an "F" because I haven't sent a transcript/letter from the summer university to my registrar.


The case is that the mark hasn't been finalized but rather is under appeal right now and my school's transcript still has that as "unfinalized" as well. Will this F be included in my OMSAS GPA? Since technically it should have been removed. Now my problem is that how to I send this to OMSAS? I will send both my home and summer's university's transcripts but will it be included or not?





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  • 2 weeks later...
Can someone who has had experience pleaseeee helpp I haven't sent in my transcript request form because of that..


This is probably a bad idea. If you don't send all your transcripts then I think you get into a lot of ****. Unless you lie that you didn't go to the other university but you can't do that since your existing one lists the course on your transcript. You had best arrange to send all transcripts asap.

You'll have to contact OMSAS for a definite answer for how they weight your GPA since you're in a relatively unusual circumstance.

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So I called OMSAS today and the lady basically said to get them to send all the transcripts and that if there is a change after Oct3rd that they would update and change it.. etc...so I guess right now my transcript is going to be terribly low until I see what happens from the other University

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Filling out the Ottawa prereqs part and came across this example:


O:CHEM 264 Organic Chem 1 - half, CHEM 267 Basic Organic Chem 2 - half, CHEM 267L Organic Chem Lab - quarter


What does quarter mean? Most of my labs had a distinct course number and lasted for the duration of a full semester, but worth less credits e.g. 2 credits per semester instead of 3.

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