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UWO Eglish

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Hello everyone. I am going into my first year. I am at UWO. If I am not mistaken all/most medschools require and English course. Is that correct? If so, what is exactly an english course? Can I take children's lit? Or does it have to be an english language course? If you attended UWO which one would you recommend? (English is my weakest subject and to be honest I am just looking for the easiest one so I dont kill my gpa). Thank you everyone

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I'm also in third year and I have taken Children's lit last year amidst of the 2nd year torture (biochem, orgo1+2, genetics, cell bio, STATSSSSSSSSSS, 2290). Indeed it was brutal but thank goodness I had 2290 and stats first semester so I didn't have to balance 2290 with orgo, gen, cell bio, and english. Otherwise I could have probably died. Anywho, I emailed saskatchewan and they said since we're out of province, we didn't need an english credit...I find that weird but UBC does anyway and so does the U.S. med schools. Children's lit requires a crap load of raeding (a book a week), but its easy read. but the size of the book varies from short like Peter Rabbit, but also VERY long like the secret garden, the hobbit, little women, etc. It's easy raed but very time consuming. But the good thign is, you dont have to read EVERY novel, I didn't read 4 books yet still did farely well. Plus, you can also use sparknotes. Other friends only read 3/5 of the books and 4/5 of the books. If you are looking for an easy eng course, you won't get anything easier than children's lit (from what I've heard), but this course isn't easy and will NOT be a bird course. If you do decide to take it, I agree that it sohuld be taken in 3rd or 4th year (why not take it 4th year since you will still have it as a prereq but the grades won't be looked at for your application?). There are two main profs that teach it durin the school year: Ceraldi and some other dude. I'd suggest Ceraldi because she knows very well what she is bsing about (Eng is all about bsing) and she makes it interesting. Her essay requirements are pretty straightforward too but the other prof reqiures you to do outside research in psychology and what not...also in the first semester, only thing for marks is one essay which is worth 20% of your mark. This was my first univ essay ever and I ended up with a 75% and I was pretty devastated cuz that mark is equivalent to a 3.0 on omsas gpa scale. and in tutorials you get a choice when to present a 5% seminar. I did this in second semester. You also have a 10% test in tutorial in second semester, another essay but its worth 25% this time, and a 35 Final. the other 5 percent comes from particiupation in discussion in tutorials...you need suck up your nervousness and need to speak..i didnt do it for half a year and my T.A. only gave me 2.5/5% for my tutorial section. Anywho, since you get marked by your T.A., as long as you seek help and show her that you're working hard and you have a goal to meet, they can help you attain your goal. I worked by butt off and managed to finish the course with an 85% which is BARELY a 3.9 but I'm not complaining. better than gettin 89 cuz this is still a 3.9. and theres no way for univ prof/t.a.s to give you over 90s on essays cuz that's just godly. English is not straight forward as sciences so its difficult. Its subjective and its the T.A./Prof's game with their own rules. You gotta abide by them or you die. I hope this helps.

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