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Tips on Studying

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Hey guys,


I'm an 1T5 and I was hoping some of you could provide tips on how best to study during preclerkship. In particular, there are a few specific areas I'm wondering about:


1) How would you recommend preparing for anatomy labs?

2) Did you find group studying to be worthwhile?

3) With such a huge amount of info, how did you manage to memorize it all?

4) Where could I obtain past exams?


Any tips and advice would be much appreciated. Thanks so much!

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1) How would you recommend preparing for anatomy labs?

Ideally, go through the information beforehand. Learn / go over the actual anatomy more so than the dissection steps (those are easy to follow as you go). Also, learn the anatomy of your other group members' parts, not just yours. However, the reality is 95% of people won't do this (or maybe will for the first week or two, then stop)... but at the very least, come to the final presentation lab at the end of each section (where each group member presents their dissections) having somewhat studied the anatomy of everyone's parts, not just your own. This would be the best use of anatomy lab time, and spare you a ton of cramming in the anatomy labs a week before the exam. Otherwise, anatomy labs end up being a waste of (a lot of) time... but again, reality is most people (including myself) end up just floating through the labs, and then spend time in the lab a week or so before the test, cramming.



2) Did you find group studying to be worthwhile?

I have never studied in groups, so I didn't personally... but I guess some people may have. Depends on how you like to learn.



3) With such a huge amount of info, how did you manage to memorize it all?

Learn/understand first, memorize second. If you spend time understanding everything first, not only will memorizing be easier, but you will have already inadvertently memorized a good amount of it... a ton of people will sit and memorize and use charts and mnemonics, etc, before actually really understanding the material... those are the people that usually don't do well, and then they wonder why they don't do well because they 'put in so much time studying/memorizing'.


4) Where could I obtain past exams?

Sometimes they will be circulated a week or so before the exam. Sometimes they won't. Generally though, when there are past exams out there, they will eventually get to everyone, so don't worry.

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