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New volunteering

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I've recently (this month) become a member of an emergency response team. Luckily, we haven't had any disasters, but that means that I haven't put any volunteer hours in. I'm wondering if I should still include it as a volunteering position and just make a note that I am just starting? Or should I just leave the whole entry out?



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I'm gonna go the other way and say put it in. They won't penalize you for putting it in, and this way the adcom knows that its something you are doing. The fact that you've already gotten the position before the deadline means that it's something that you ARE doing, not something you're assuming you're going to do.


If they wanna disregard it as "too recent" then w/e thats their discretion but at least you tried. And as for having no hours... the way our response team works is you are on call. I dunno if your's works the same way but those hours you spend on call would be considered the hours you spend doing the activity IMO.

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And as for having no hours... the way our response team works is you are on call. I dunno if your's works the same way but those hours you spend on call would be considered the hours you spend doing the activity IMO.


What are you doing when on call? Are you home waiting for things to happen or are you at work training and preparing for calls? If you're not doing anything and haven't had any calls then it's not an activity that you can put hours for IMO. That's how I put it on my application anyway, I don't want to come off as disingenuous.


EDIT: But maybe Obi's right, keep it in, why not? I can't see you losing points for it!

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Carolyn emailed me back and said to put it in. She said to make a note that it's recent and that I don't know what my hours will be yet. She told me to put "unknown as of yet" in the hours/wk section, but the program won't let me do that. It needs a positive number. I just put down the hours I've had for training.


I'm not sure where to draw the line on "medically related." It's the Red Cross and you work with people, but it's not like I'm providing them a medical service. Thoughts? Where should I put this?

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Carolyn emailed me back and said to put it in. She said to make a note that it's recent and that I don't know what my hours will be yet. She told me to put "unknown as of yet" in the hours/wk section, but the program won't let me do that. It needs a positive number. I just put down the hours I've had for training.


I'm not sure where to draw the line on "medically related." It's the Red Cross and you work with people, but it's not like I'm providing them a medical service. Thoughts? Where should I put this?


There were a couple things in my ECs that I only do on a seasonal basis, so for these I left out the number of hours per week (i.e. left it blank) and made a note in the description as to it being seasonal etc...so you could leave out the number of hours and just describe what you think it might be once you start. I thought it was a little misleading to put in the hours I might spend on these things some weeks because I don't spend that much time doing them during all weeks of the year.


As for the second part of your question, I would put that in whatever category you think is lacking and the adcom count it for another section if they disagree.

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I've recently (this month) become a member of an emergency response team. Luckily, we haven't had any disasters, but that means that I haven't put any volunteer hours in. I'm wondering if I should still include it as a volunteering position and just make a note that I am just starting? Or should I just leave the whole entry out?




Put in trained for and newly involved in emergency response team, hours to be determined.


I am a 911 EMS first responder volunteer. On any given shift, I may be very busy or not have one call. In either xase, just like a fireman, I am on my shift and these are my hours.

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