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Need help with taking a year off!!


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Hello, new user here and just want to say hi to all of you and join this community.


I'm currently a UofCalgary student studying Biosci and going into third year. I need major help with choosing my courses carefully these last years. My first two years I was not able to take full course load, so I took 4courses per semester and 2 in fall. My gpa wasn't that high either.

I'm thinking of taking the third year off and do extra volunteering and research during the year while taking maybe 2 courses per semester in fall and winter, then next year start taking third year courses and hopefully improve my gpa. I'm also gonna take my MCAT while taking this year off.

I'm wondering if this is a good idea? and if it is, should I even take few complimentary courses to boost my gpa from last year or just not take any courses.


Thanks in advance :)

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I think you should look before you leap. First, you should assess why you were unable to take a full courseload for your first two years of U.G., and deal with that problem first. Second is your gpa, you need to know that you are able to acheive a good gpa while taking a full course load, if you result to taking part time studies, the adcom will recognise that and question whether you are capable of succeding with the rigure of medical school.


Personally, if you want to take a year off, go for it. But do it 100%, taking part time studies my send the wrong message to the adcom, and will take away from other commitments if wanted to improve your e.c.'s

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thanks for reply, I wasn't able to take Biochem 393 and organic 353 which are pre requisites to third year courses in my second year, therefore, I'm gonna have to do them this year, so this gave me the idea of taking few courses this year and improve my e.c's and continue on my third year next year. I'm also considering specializing in CMMB so I'll have to take the pre reqs this year before third year. I'm not sure if this affects my gpa and transcript towards application but I'm looking to take the best way possible

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