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I read somewhere that dental schools generally lean towards more mature student applicants. How much significances does this play?


Nothing. From 20 to 40, Median 23 ( one canadian school 2012 )

Age, University ( only in p or oop) , sex, culture, race, rerigion,money, etc

Any other factors?? NO.

Only GPA, DAT and interview, very easy, over 3.9 GPA, 23 DAT,

And good EQ, That's it. No sports activities, no volunteer,

Oh, Shadowing some cases.


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Nothing. From 20 to 40, Median 23 ( one canadian school 2012 )

Age, University ( only in p or oop) , sex, culture, race, rerigion,money, etc

Any other factors?? NO.

Only GPA, DAT and interview, very easy, over 3.9 GPA, 23 DAT,

And good EQ, That's it. No sports activities, no volunteer,

Oh, Shadowing some cases.



You are correct except for one thing, McGill started looking at CVs for information including extracurriculars, volunteering, work experience, sports. This is new for this year. McGill is the first to do it, and I expect other schools to follow suit in the next few years as GPAs and DAT is starting to not be enough to differentiate applicants any longer.


Quote from their website:


Applicants are asked to provide a résumé highlighting their:


academic background and achievements;

work experience, time worked during studies and duration;

volunteer and community work;

extra-curricular activities, sports, hobbies, and other significant interests.

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