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UBC $10,700 non refundable tuition deposit by march?

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does UBC really require $10 700 tuition deposit by March???:confused::eek:


you know, you don't hear from most of the other canadian schools until later in the spring, and what if I want to wait until i hear back from other schools too before making the final decision? the amount and the date seem unreasonable to me. yet that's the info that i found on their website. how is that no one has made complaints yet? am i missing something? can someone confirm that i understood right?:confused:

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Yes, they do require that if you were accepted in the first batch. After that, as people drop/cancel/turn down UBC, others get off the waitlist and will be given a specific amount of time to give them the NON-REFUNDABLE deposit for the spot.


Yes, they are aware that other schools do not finalize their acceptances till later. Yes, they have had complaints. In fact, they have had people trying to convince them to give back the deposit despite knowing it's NON-REFUNDABLE.


Their rationale has always been that you should only apply and accept the position if you are seriously interested in them. Otherwise, they would rather you not hold a spot that they could have given to someone else who is seriously interested.


Consider it the price you pay to have a back-up to whichever school you are interested in. It can be nice to know you will be going to a dental school so early on. However, I can understand the frustration if you never really wanted to go to UBC unless you have to. If you are OOP, think about it carefully as they have restricted the number of spots since late 2000 and it may not be worth the hassle given the chances for OOP is low.


does UBC really require $10 700 tuition deposit by March???:confused::eek:


you know, you don't hear from most of the other canadian schools until later in the spring, and what if I want to wait until i hear back from other schools too before making the final decision? the amount and the date seem unreasonable to me. yet that's the info that i found on their website. how is that no one has made complaints yet? am i missing something? can someone confirm that i understood right?:confused:

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Dean Shuler mentioned that some guy tried to sue UBC for the 10k back in the open house... they obviously lost since it's mentioned multiple times it's non-refundable.


does UBC really require $10 700 tuition deposit by March???:confused::eek:


you know, you don't hear from most of the other canadian schools until later in the spring, and what if I want to wait until i hear back from other schools too before making the final decision? the amount and the date seem unreasonable to me. yet that's the info that i found on their website. how is that no one has made complaints yet? am i missing something? can someone confirm that i understood right?:confused:

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