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Course load/ Chem pre-requisite concerns

med is me

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Hi there!


I am a student at the University of Toronto.

I have enrolled into ckch106/107 at ryerson in order to fulfill the general chem requirements for the U.S. schools. Is this a good choice or should I be taking chm220 or chm217 at uoft instead?

I am concerned about 106/107 being similar to chm139 and whether the med schools would deem it as redundant as it is repetitive.

Any advice is much appreciated.


Also, does anyone know if U.S. schools require a certain course load? For example most Canadian med schools require students to have taken a full course load of 5 courses. Do U.S. med schools have a similar requirement?

What abt Carib schools?


If I take 3 or 4 courses at uoft and the chem at ryerson, would that count as taking 4 or 5 courses in a year put together?



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