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IMPORTANT: Yorku Cell Bio vs Animals?


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Hi everyone, I'm in a big dilemma...


I'm deciding to take either Bio2030 (Animals) or Bio2021 (Cell Bio)...I didn't doo too well first year and I really need to pull up my GPA this year, please let me know which one is the better choice to get a higher GPA? Thanks :)


Edit: How hard is the lab exam for Animals?

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Hi everyone, I'm in a big dilemma...


I'm deciding to take either Bio2030 (Animals) or Bio2020 (Cell Bio)...I didn't doo too well first year and I really need to pull up my GPA this year, please let me know which one is the better choice to get a higher GPA? Thanks :)


Edit: How hard is the lab exam for Animals?


I've heard 2020 (which is biochemistry - cell bio is 2021) isn't too bad, haven't heard much about animals.

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They both require a lot of memorization but animals requires a lot of "useless" memorization that doesn't seem to fit into the big picture i.e. you will need to memorize the anatomy of animals (names of organs), group names and characteristics etc. In cell bio, a lot of the info flows i.e. this happens then this and then this. I would say cell bio is more useful than animals if you're considering medicine. Also, look into the upper year courses that you're interested and see their prereqs... I took cell bio in 2nd year but had to take animals in 3rd year to take some upper year courses. To get an A in these courses, you just have to study. They are both possible A's.

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