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Marks vs Interview prep


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I have the option of taking two different courses this year. One of them is bioinformatics and I know I can do well in it but the other one is a biomedical ethics course. I know the ethics course will be alot more interesting to me and will be helpful for this years interview (hopefully)


I am not sure which one to take. Should I take the boringish binfo class and get a good mark or should I take the course that can be helpful for my interview but I most likely will not do as well in it..


Any thoughts??


I am also thinking of taking the bioinformatics course and then just sitting in a night class of the ethics course just to participate in discussion hopefully without getting caught..

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Are you applying this year? You can take the ethics course and it will not be conisdered in your GPA this year. Also, what you are suggesting is auditing a class, and there is nothing wrong with that! I took ethics last year, and there were a lot of students who were not in the class who attended the lectures.

Problem being that if the OP doesn't get in this year, the mark may count for next year.


Really, this is something only the OP can answer. You can take the easy course and do well, or risk next year's potential application cycle by taking the harder, more interesting course and doing worse. It depends on what's more valuable to you.

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I have the option of taking two different courses this year. One of them is bioinformatics and I know I can do well in it but the other one is a biomedical ethics course. I know the ethics course will be alot more interesting to me and will be helpful for this years interview (hopefully)


I am not sure which one to take. Should I take the boringish binfo class and get a good mark or should I take the course that can be helpful for my interview but I most likely will not do as well in it..


Any thoughts??


I am also thinking of taking the bioinformatics course and then just sitting in a night class of the ethics course just to participate in discussion hopefully without getting caught..


Hey Sebriz, did you go to BINF and did not like it? If I were you, I would just ask the prof for permission to allow you to audit the class. I think that is what I am thinking of doing as well.

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Thanks for all of the help. I decided to go with binf and will audit ethics in term 2.


Aishley:: I made a last minute switch into ethics because I thought it would be good for my interview so I was at the first class. Maybe I saw you there?? Im back with Jalal in in Binf tho :)

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Thanks for all of the help. I decided to go with binf and will audit ethics in term 2.


Aishley:: I made a last minute switch into ethics because I thought it would be good for my interview so I was at the first class. Maybe I saw you there?? Im back with Jalal in in Binf tho :)


Great! I was not in PHIL 234; I am going to audit this course next semester...I am not sure if I would be applying this year, though! I am trying to see where I can apply so that the my worst 30 credits can be dropped.

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