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Hey guys, so unfortunately I didn't do as well as I should have in first/second year and it's currently my forth year at UBC. My GPA is about 2.7 and I'm sure by the end of the year I can bring it up to 3.0. I have tons of volunteer work and community involvement, and I haven't written the MCAT yet. Is there a chance of me actually being accepted at NOSM? Or should I start considering alternatives?

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Are you from Northern Ontario?


Yeah what he/she said .... also are you an Aboriginal applicant or Francophone?


Are you from rural/remote Ontario/BC?


If you answered no to all of those questions you do not have a very good chance.


You should take a second degree and try harder/get better marks. Average GPA for most entering classes was ~3.7 on 4.0 scale.


Most applicants have lots of volunteering and community work nowadays so you can't hang onto that too tightly hoping that'll slide you by. People do some pretty incredible things and are hard to compete against ... hell Ive been on the volunteer fire department for 5 years and have been on the first fire attack team many times first to enter a fully engulfed structure (house) fire looking for survivors ... Ive also been on car accident scenes extricating people from car crashes who were trapped in cars... as you can see people do alot of interesting things and many times its apples to oranges so you dont know how you would compare against others.... so you need to get your marks up.



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wow Real Beef, that is amazing work!


I hope you get into NOSM this year, and I hope I will be your classmate!


LOL ... thanks, hope to see you in next year's admitted class too. Although there is some philanthropic intent in being on the Fire department it was more if trying to do something so I wasnt SO BORED in rural northern Ontario. Also my job is diabetes (dietetic) education so you are sedentary all of the time and I wanted to do something with my hands ... i.e. use manly equipment from time to time. Most of the time it is hardly that glorious mostly grass fires, false alarms ... the big stuff is only a half a dozen times a year.


Fredrick: Its not to be hard on you but its the truth. I would always have an "alternative" in case you never get into Med school right away. I had time to work for 6 years and complete a masters degree while waiting for the right time to jump back in after dismal attempts at admission. Good lucl, buddy.



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To be honest, even you answered yes to most of them you still do not have a very good chance with a 3.0.


Agreed I know an Aboriginal applicant who is prepping her application for probably two years time and she is rocking her grades in the 3.7+, health care experience (worked at our health organization as a summer student), community involvement, etc ...


There is stiff competition in every category and sub-category.



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I agree with the second degree. If this is really what you want, 2nd degree is what your going to have to do. Depending on what you are in now, where you choose to do your 2nd degree, what the 2nd degree is in and how old you are - this may only be ONE more year! (you can transfer credits from your first degree and if you are over 25 you only need a 3year degree). If you are under 25 - you are in for 2 more years. Which given the rest of your life - is not much.


I should add, NOSM is awesome and totally worth it. So do as well as you can now, then improve your grades.

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