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Chances at American Universities?


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Hi, I was wondering about what are the best medical schools that I could potentially get into in the States, considering my stats.


What would I have to improve my MCAT to in order to be competitive at the schools that I am not competitive in right now?


Canadian citizen

31P (10 VR, 10 PS, 11 BS)


Strong extracurriculars



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Your GPA is very strong and it is nice to know that you have strong extra-curriculars. If you were planning on applying this year, it is much too late. Your MCAT does need improvement. I would suggest that you write it again in January. That way you can submit early to American schools and be more competitive at schools like Queen's and Western in Canada. If you are still interested in applying this year (I do not recommend this), you should review the interview discussion thread. I, and many others, can help you with school choices later in the year if you would like.


Hi, I was wondering about what are the best medical schools that I could potentially get into in the States, considering my stats.


What would I have to improve my MCAT to in order to be competitive at the schools that I am not competitive in right now?


Canadian citizen

31P (10 VR, 10 PS, 11 BS)


Strong extracurriculars



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Your MCAT is probably not competitive at the top tiers in the States. For the top tiers (i.e. Harvard Hopkins etc) I think you need AT LEAST a 33 to get in, but even people with 40s get rejected from those schools.


Thanks for your advice. I'm not planning to apply this year to the States.


What is the minimum MCAT score (and breakdown) that I need to be competitive at top-tier schools in the States?

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