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Credit courses - no grades

Guest hopeful

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Guest hopeful

Does anybody know how courses that have been granted based on past experience (and therefore are not given grades) are calculated in the GPA? I have the opportunity to pick up a few courses based on my work experience, but will be given a CR for the course. I'm not sure whether or not I should accept them as I certainly do not want to jeopardize a future med school application.


Anyone? Thanks

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Guest Ian Wong

If the courses don't matter for your degree, then it won't hurt you to just take them (although they also wouldn't help you all that much either). If the courses could be used in your degree, then it might be to your advantage to re-take the courses and get really good marks in them. Your GPA will be the first thing that med schools look at when assessing your application, so anything that makes your life easier in terms of getting a good GPA will help you along with your med school goal.


I re-took most of my first year science courses despite having credits from doing Advanced Placement courses in high school. I had a relatively easy and relaxed time in first year, while many of the UVic people I met had it considerably more difficult.



UBC, Med 3

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