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questions for Kristeen

Guest Debbie

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Hi there Kristeen


I have read alot of your posts and it kind of felt like reading about myself!!


I also completed an Bsc (Biology) worked then completed MBA (Toronto though) have worked for a bit and now am interested in the MD/PhD program.


I was just wondering if I could ask you a few questions about applying:


Kristeen, did your age (32) affect or influence your decision to apply, (I too will be 33 but fear that by the time I'm done I'll be 39 and have a lot of debt)


Secondly I was wondering if financially you were going to seek loans or alternative ways of financing your education. I'm just really concerned about being the only person with loans at my age where everyone else will have houses and savings


Thirdly do you think that age will play a part in the adcomms decisions. Have they mentioned this factor during your previous application. I know technically the can't judge on that basis but mmmm I wonder


Lastly Do you have a back up plan in case things don't work out, will you continue in high tech sales. I'm actually in telecom component sales and I'm really not cut out for the office politics and but kissing that one has to endure. Any ideas for back up plans.


Sorry for all of the questions I just feel like I have found my twin!!!!!!!



Thanks again Kristeen, By the way I love your posts and helpful insights, keep trucking sister!!!





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Guest Kirsteen

Hi Debbie,


I must say, I haven't yet run into anyone else of a near similar situation--pleased to meet you! On your questions...


a) My age hasn't affected/influenced my decision to apply. For me, age is largely unimportant. I'm going to be doing what I'm doing whether I'm 20, 30, 40, 50 or 60, so why not now? Also, I view a life as a sort of a perpetual painting-in-progress, rather than a mountain whose peak sits at the age of 24 or so. I've felt, for quite some time, that I'd like to give medicine a go (well before the MBA actually), and I'm not hung up on most of the social constructs surrounding age, so it doesn't bother/affect my decisions. As to whether or not it bothers/affects adcom decisions, well, I don't know. Both biasedly and unbiasedly, I would hope not. In any case, they have not mentioned that age has been a factor thus far, nor can I see that they would, quite frankly.


B) Financing: I've been working for a fair while now and have managed to build up a bit of equity and own my own place. When I do gain entry I'll be heading to my Bank Manager for a wee chat (there are some great LOC programs out there) and will be applying for some additional grants and scholarships. Also, with respect to the MD/PhD program, I have already secured a corporate scholarship towards it, and the programs themselves normally supply some sort of funding during some or all of the years of the program. Overall, there are financing avenues out there simply waiting to be found.


Regarding social issues, specifically, friends and cohorts at our age who are on the house/kids/savings route, och everyone does that at this age! In your experience, how many folk seem to be "settling"--in careers, partners, etc.? Unfortunately, I seem to be seeing it a fair bit. It would be great to see some folk break out of their shells, gain a little courage and freedom to do the things that they profess and dream of to wanting to do. I think the planet would be a better place. But off that utopian shpeel, I've never really been one to be scared of "abnormal" or "unsafe" paths, and with respect to the path that we're choosing, to a degree, it can be a helpful frame of mind to have. It certainly imbues a little of the warthog hide characteristics that you need when you come upon some folks who orally raise concern regarding your level of sanity with respect to choosing this route (interestingly, those comments are expelled most often from "settlers"). Why sacrifice an entire life feeling middle-of-the-road happy when you could be feeling something quite closer to the upper end of the scale? Overall, it gets down to the root of personal values and in my feeling, I'd rather be a little financially poorer but a lot happier with what I'm doing for work, and I feel that meds will round that out. Besides, I'm quite looking forward to further honing my culinary and embroidery skills!


c) Back-up plan: if I weren't to gain entry this year, then I'd continue with school next year, perhaps jump job-ship and expand the application net. What I won't be doing is giving up on the application process. I really do want to go this route, so why compromise. Again, it's a very personal decision. To come to such stark conclusions I think it helps to do a good bit of soul-searching and testing the waters to see if this really is THE goal that you'd like to work towards.


I think I've responded to most of your questions. So what's your deal, Debbie? Have you applied this year; are you going to apply next year? Are you working now? If so, in TO? Why meds? Why the MBA? (I can always be reached off-line, if you'd prefer, but I love hearing more about people's stories.)


Cheers and best of luck!


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Kirsteen!



Sorry I took awhile to get back to you but I was away for a little fun in the sun!! My story is fairly simple! I hate what I do I always wanted to do medicine and actually applied after my Bio degree but of course was not accepted so I looked around for career options and found the market for Bio majors wasn't exactly umm "Sizzling" ! So of I went and enrolled in the MBA program realizing right of the bat that the corporate world was not for me. I think I wasn't designed for all of the ass kissing and corporate politics that is such a part of the business world. So after some years working I have decided to apply again next year. During round one of applying (many moons ago) the thing that held me back was my MCAT score, so I will rewrite that and try to build up my research and volunteer experience. Hopefully we will be sitting next to each other sometime in the future. If the girl's name is Debbie (my real name) take a long hard look and if there are a few more lines than your other collegues, you will know it's me :)



Good luck Kirsteen, I wish you the best!



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Hi Kirsteen!


to finish answering your questions...


I am currently working in TO and living there as well, I would love to do the MD/Phd program at UofT but I guess we will see


I also wanted to thank you for your input. You motivation and enthusiasm has been inspiring and most helpful in securing my decision to go for it .



thanks again Kirsteen, you're the best!



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