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So, how do you feel after doing the Casper?

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...Do they tell you your CASPer score?
No. You basically know if you did well or not based on whether you get an interview invite. But even that doesn't really reflect exactly how you did on CASPer.


Noob question, but the survey at the end is anonymous right? Cause I really let them know how I feel lol... (all good stuff though haha)
Yes, it's anonymous.
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Does/has anyone actually had FUN writing CASPer? My second time around this time, and once again.. it was actually fun! Actually sitting down to think about all of these weird situations is oddly interesting.. gives me insights into myself that i'd never really thought about.


Anybody with me?

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Finished a little while ago. I can't say I like the idea of casper overly much personally, but it is what it is. I don't like that if you're an average/slow typer that you're at a pretty big disadvantage. I can definitely say that if I don't get in this year, I'm doing a typing course!

I also have to say that I think this year they had a lot of questions that required you (if you wanted to answer well) to have specialized knowledge of certain things. I don't think I liked that overly much. No idea how I did, but I think they should, instead of giving you 5 minutes for 3 questions, give you the questions one at at time and give you 2 mins per. But that could just be because that's what I was averaging on all of them... so only 1 minute to do the last one. I don't think I was able to explain my thoughts fully, most because my fingers physically wouldn't go that fast, but, who knows. It would be nice to at least get your casper score and the average accepted score. At least then you know if you were on par with it and your mcat/gpa is holding you back, or if you REALLY need to work on your casper taking skills.....




Let the waiting games begin!

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Well. Interesting experience. I kind of like this as it DOES test your actual personality. There was simply no time to think of "what would this med school expect me to say." That said, a little more time would have been nice.


There is pretty much nothing you can do to prep for this test. I found a little Doing Right knowledge useful for one scenario though.


Let's cross our fingers till January!

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As many people said, very little you can do to prepare. I really hate the time limit. I felt I could've answered many of the questions better if I had more time. Some of the questions were very difficult based on the time given. My responses for the 3rd question were generally very short and lacked much detail. I don't think CASPer is a very good way of determining who would be a good physician.

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This was my 2nd time doing it.


Last year I tried to prepare by reading Doing Right and all that stuff, and I bombed it.


This year I just let go and went into it blind, answering what I really thought. I don't feel too bad about it - time was an issue again, and I didn't get to say everything I wanted to - but I certainly did better than last year.


I thought it was kind of fun - it becomes less fun when I realize it has an incredible impact on my future career. I still don't particularly agree with it, but I like that different schools have different criteria. It gives people with different skill sets a chance, as opposed to a unified consensus of who would and wouldn't make a good doctor.

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That was really, really intense, and not in a good way. Especially since now, telling my husband about the scenarios, his answers seem way better than mine :( . But whatever, I'm trying to remind myself that it'll be what it'll be, and I don't stand a chance of getting in this year anyhow (USAmerican, the odds are terribly stacked against me), so it's just good practice for next time. Right... keep telling myself that.

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hey guys


i was wondering how much you guys typed for each of the answers.....i am a slow typist and had a really hard time - how many characters did you guys use up for the answers typically? or if counting lines, did you type like 3-4 lines/qs or more? i'm just wondering if someone used up ALL of the characters

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hey guys


i was wondering how much you guys typed for each of the answers.....i am a slow typist and had a really hard time - how many characters did you guys use up for the answers typically? or if counting lines, did you type like 3-4 lines/qs or more? i'm just wondering if someone used up ALL of the characters


I usually had about 500-600 characters left in each answer box. On some of my longest answers i had 300 left, some of the shortest i had 700 left.


Cheers :)

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My responses for the 3rd question were generally very short and lacked much detail. I don't think CASPer is a very good way of determining who would be a good physician.


both seem like solid assessments of casper. i do give them credit for designing something that provides applicants with less of a chance to fake. glad to see that msn actually served a purpose other than wasting time. in reference to the second point, though, have they published anything that shows its a good assessment tool? i know that, in general, things like that are supposed to be good indicators.

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For me, I think it went way better than last year. But now that my VR is one point lower (Arg!!), I am not expecting too much.


My hands were pretty sore at the end, though. I totally agree with others; I think it would be ideal if we had a little bit more time for our responses.

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My CASPer intermittently froze several times throughout the test (with the 5 minute counter not moving and me not being able to type). In fact, it was so bad that by the time that my 2-hour time limit was over, I had only finished section 9 (including the break). This means I had 4 whole sections that were not complete.


I'm really worried since this is worth so much of my McMaster chances. What do you guys think I should do???

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registered just for this casper...


so I had to re-do the pre-test at 10:28am because I did the pre-test school on my computer at school, and did the real one at home. and it complained about having a different IP (I wrote them a little note saying they should specify that the pre-test must be done on the same IP.. what if you have dynamic IP??)


how will this affect me?? the conditions just say to have it done 2 days ahead, and if you re-do it after that, then it might affect if you'll get spared if there are tech screw-ups...


also, no confirmation e-mail either. kinda worried here.

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