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So, how do you feel after doing the Casper?

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My CASPer intermittently froze several times throughout the test (with the 5 minute counter not moving and me not being able to type). In fact, it was so bad that by the time that my 2-hour time limit was over, I had only finished section 9 (including the break). This means I had 4 whole sections that were not complete.


I'm really worried since this is worth so much of my McMaster chances. What do you guys think I should do???


You didn't call the tech support at anytime during the test?

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You didn't call the tech support at anytime during the test?

I did not call them because it seemed to be like normal skips that I normally see when I use my browser. All I had to do was wait a few seconds, and the freeze would stop, which allowed me to type again. I never recognized it as an issue until my 2-hour time limit actually ran out!!


What should I do!!

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I did not call them because it seemed to be like normal skips that I normally see when I use my browser. All I had to do was wait a few seconds, and the freeze would stop, which allowed me to type again. I never recognized it as an issue until my 2-hour time limit actually ran out!!


What should I do!!


Call them right away. My impression was that any technical issues had to be reported at the time of doing the test, not sure if that means that once the test is over they won't make any considerations if problems weren't reported at that time.


I also got the impression from other people's posts that you only need to have completed 9 sections fully...I know that there were two boxes I only managed to type in half a sentence, and I have been told that won't matter because I completed enough sections fully.


Bottom line, call them, see what they can do.

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I usually had about 500-600 characters left in each answer box. On some of my longest answers i had 300 left, some of the shortest i had 700 left.


Cheers :)


That's about the same for me.


I felt good about it... didn't leave any questions blank and I thought the time was okay. I know for some sections it was like as soon as I finished that last word and hit period it auto-submitted so it was really close.


Now to play the waiting game? ... Not expecting much to be honest though, this time is just for the experience!

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both seem like solid assessments of casper. i do give them credit for designing something that provides applicants with less of a chance to fake. glad to see that msn actually served a purpose other than wasting time. in reference to the second point, though, have they published anything that shows its a good assessment tool? i know that, in general, things like that are supposed to be good indicators.


Have a look at this:



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And for the people who didn't complete it successfully?


Contact admissions and try to resolve your situation. However, it was explicitly mentioned before the exam that all issues must be addressed during the test itself so try to have a really strong defence prepared when you call.

Best of luck with getting the issue sorted out!

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Contact admissions and try to resolve your situation. However, it was explicitly mentioned before the exam that all issues must be addressed during the test itself so try to have a really strong defence prepared when you call.

Best of luck with getting the issue sorted out!


Thank you, Leon. I would like to ask one final question. Do the CASPer tech support people continue to pick up phone calls / check their messages after the test date? Should I instead e-mail someone about my incomplete CASPer issue?

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Sounds promising:


Conclusions: Strong psychometric properties, including MMI correlation, of CMSENS warrant investigation into future widespread implementation as a preinterview noncognitive screening test.
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Thank you, Leon. I would like to ask one final question. Do the CASPer tech support people continue to pick up phone calls / check their messages after the test date? Should I instead e-mail someone about my incomplete CASPer issue?


I'm not entirely sure. I would try the helpline tomorrow during normal hours. If that fails, try contacting admissions by phone before resorting to e-mail.

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I thought the test was kind of fun. I agree with others who said the time passes incredibly quickly.


I was pleasantly surprised to find that all the issues presented were ones that I had seen/considered in the past. Unfortunately some were situations that when I considered them in the past I was content to conclude that I was happy I didn't have to decide that.


You can definitely prepare for CASPER.


Time was clearly an issue and I certainly didn't think many of my answers were as complete as they could be. However, I'm content to know that everyone faced the same issue and so everyone's answers likely suffer in the same ways.


Overall, I have no regrets. I executed on my plan. I went with my gut and explained why I chose what I did as best I could in the time. When possible I alluded to the other side of the problem. I wrote something for every question. Only time will tell if what I did is what they were looking for.

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LOL, I found that email quite hilarious but then again I thought it kinda made sense for a school like Mac to send this since their online technology sucks beyond belief...and it's quite an accomplishment for them if it actually works for someone! Yay Mac! :rolleyes:


I have to say:





...is the weirdest thing I've received from any med school so far this year.

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I also got the impression from other people's posts that you only need to have completed 9 sections fully...I know that there were two boxes I only managed to type in half a sentence, and I have been told that won't matter because I completed enough sections fully.


Bottom line, call them, see what they can do.


What do you mean you only need to do 9 sections? Where are you getting this from?

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...from other people's posts.


No, I don't have anything to support that statement (nor did anyone else) and it wasn't meant to be factual (hence me saying I read it in other people's posts.) However, I don't think they look at every single section as most people probably have one or two boxes with either nothing or half a sentence.

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When I wrote CASPER, I got everyone out of the house and unplugged all the phones so I wouldn't have any distractions. I got to the 6th section. I was totally focused on the test and suddenly there was my Mother's voice talking to me loud and clear in the room with me. I nearly jumped off my seat.


I had forgot to unplug the answering machine. My mother had called (all the phones were unplugged so I didn't hear it ring) and our machine just lets you hear what the person says. I panicked for a moment. I couldn't think about the test with my Mom talking. The clock was ticking down. My heart was pounding. I couldn't imagine how to neuter the answering machine quickly so finally I just hit the first button on the machine that my hand fell on. Thankfully the machine when silent and I tried to get back to the question.


Was I ever lucky that the break was right after that! I felt a little scattered.

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...from other people's posts.


No, I don't have anything to support that statement (nor did anyone else) and it wasn't meant to be factual (hence me saying I read it in other people's posts.) However, I don't think they look at every single section as most people probably have one or two boxes with either nothing or half a sentence.

This was from last year since so many people had issues with CASPer. They may not do the same thing this year.
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